Current Affairs Miscelleneous

In moment of danger, the lizard swells its body to appear far bigger than it really is. A mane emerging around its head gives it a terrifying look.

The male platypus has poisonous spars in its legs.

The tooth is the only part of the human body that can't repair itself 

Most glamorous Marilyn Monroe of yester-years had six toes.

Abdul Kassam Ismael, the grand vizier of Persia was a book warm. He had a mobile library of 1, 17, 000 volumes of books carried on the back of 400 camels.

The first zoo in the USA was in Philadelphia.

A horse named Rodger sleeps on his back with his legs in the air and mouth open.

Some species of fish have voice.

Vultures of some breed can fly at an altitude of 36,900 feet.

Cats throw up twice their body weight when dizzy.

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