Current Affairs Miscelleneous

The wingspan of a 747 Boeing is being longer than the Wright brothers’ first flight.

Lizards can grow new tails. A lizard snaps its tail off when a predator grabs hold of it.  

The mongoose was barred entry into the U.S. in 1902.

Ice-cream was invented by a French man, Gerald Tissain in 1620.

Babies start dreaming even before they are born. 

The world’s first test tube twins were born in June 1981.

Sea otters are so clever that they lie on their back in the water with stone on the chest. When they pick up a shell fish, they bash it against the stone to break it.

Kermit, the frog is left-handed.

Dolomedes spider can move comfortably on water, because of the waterproof liquid on its legs.

The average home creates more pollution than an average car.

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