Current Affairs Miscelleneous

Spitting cobras spray venom at the eyes of their attackers. They can hit targets nearly 10 feet (3m) away.

A survey indicates that plants grow healthier when they are stroked.

In deep space most lubricants will disappear.

The longest bone is the femur, in the thigh. It makes up almost one quarter of the body's total height.

Honey is the only food that will not get spoilt. 

Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from the blowing sand.

The first telephone directory was published in New Haven, Connecticut in 1878, with just 50 names in one page.

The most common speed limit sign in the United States is 25 m.p.h.

In USA, the most frequent month for a tornado to occur is during May.

At the first World Cup Championship in Uruguay, 1930, the soccer balls were actually monkey skulls, wrapped in paper and leather.

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