Current Affairs Miscelleneous

Inventor Samuel Colt patented his revolver in 1836.

People under 30 take in twice as much oxygen as people over 80.

There are more chickens than people in the world.

The sun's heat had been so intense in Natal, South Africa that when potatoes were dug up, they were already cooked and ready to eat.

A snake may look boneless. But it has a sectioned backbone all the way down its body with more than 140 pairs or ribs.

Sheep can recognize other sheep from pictures.

When giraffes bend down, the valves in their neck vessels are shut down. This prevents excess blood from flowing to the brain. 

The DNA of a single cell in the body contains the design of 206 bones, 600 muscles, 10,000 auditory muscles, 2 million optic nerves, 1100 billion nerves cells, and 100 trillion cells.

Although it weighs only one-fifteenth of the total body weight, the human brain consumes one-fifth of the intake oxygen and one-fifth of the calories the body absorbs daily.

On February 6, 1971 the first golf ball was hit on the moon by Alan Shared.

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