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Speeding along at an astonishing 109 KMPH, the sailfish is the ocean's fastest swimmer.

Lemmings are rat-like animals which live in cold northern countries. The build their nests under the snow in winter. They are very fast breeders and the female can conceive in 14 days can produce as many as 12 young ones every month. It is also believed that they kill themselves by jumping off.

The Australian dragonfly can reach a speed of up to 60 KMPH.

Rats will eat almost anything. They have been known to chew through electrical wires, lead piping and even concrete dams. In the USA, rats cause up to US $ 1 billion worth of damage every year.

The term ‘Dinosaur’ which comes from Greek and Latin, means. ‘Terrible lizard’ and was invented by a famous British scientist Richard Owen in 1841.

The secretary bird can swallow up a hen's egg as a whole, without breaking the shell.

A boa constrictor in Philadelphia Zoo (USA) was the oldest known snake in the world. It died at the age of 40 years and 3 months.

The Australian koala is very fussy, and eats only a particular type of eucalyptus leaves. In order to get its daily ration of 500 g m, it has to strip ten trees, ignoring enormous quantities of other food.

The most poisonous spider is the black widow. Only the female of this spider bites and the male is harmless. Her poison is fatal. She eats her mates and can devour as many as 20 ill-fated males in a day.

The sperm whale can stay at a depth of 1,000m for an hour without needing to take a breath.

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