Current Affairs Nature

Blue whale, the noisiest animal with a sound of 188 decibels, can be detected from 830 km away.

A baby penguin can recognize its mother among thousands of penguins, by her call.

Giant squid, a mollusc, is the largest living invertebrate and can measure up to 18 to 20 m and weighs about 2 tonnes.

Flatworms reproduce in a very simple way. They pull themselves apart and each part develops into a new worm.

An Arctic tern is a bird that flies the longest journey of 22,530 km from Russia through the Atlantic over Africa and the Indian Ocean to Australia. 

Horses can sleep in standing posture and they do not have collarbones. 

An earthworm can pull 10 times of its own weight. The ants pull four times of their own weight.

The flying squirrel, when it jumps from one tree to another, opens out its limbs, rather like a parachute and is able to glide up to more than 400 m, using its tail as both rudder and a brake.

The very interesting fact about the animal racoon, is that it always washes its food before eating.

An eucalyptus tree in Victoria (Australia), is one of the tallest with a height of 143 m.

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