Current Affairs Nature

The fastest land animal is the cheetah, which can reach an incredible speed of 96 KMPH over short distances.

Pacific leather back, which grows up to 21.3 m long, is the longest turtle.

King cobra is the most venomous snake, largely found in Indian regions, and its venom can kill a man in just under 15 minutes.

Platypus and echidna (spiny anteater), found in Australia and Tasmania are the two mammals which lay eggs. They are also known as mono-tremes or pro-therians (first mammals).

The social instinct among monkeys is so strong that if one of them is ill, the others will forego their food for him.

Whale shark is the largest fish and measures nearly 15m long and weighs about 18 tonnes. It is harmless in spite of his enormous size.

Siberian tigers are the largest members of the cat family. They are solitary animals and hunt by night. To reach their prey, these big cats can also swim across rivers. They can grow around 3.6 m with weigh up to 350 kg.

The killer whale which reaches a speed up to 55 KMPH is the fastest marine mammal.

In a beehive, there is only one queen bee, hundreds of drones (male bees - they do no work) and thousands of workers. The queen can live up to 5 years, workers 2 months and drones only 4 weeks. The only function of the drone is to fertilize the queen.

Tarantula spiders are the largest spiders, said to live without food for more than 2 1/2 years.

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