Current Affairs Nature

The largest kind of deer called moose or elk, can weigh up to 800 kg. The deer meat is called venison.

In North America, some frogs build up some chemicals in their blood at the onset of cold weather. These chemicals act as a kind of an antifreeze, allowing the frog to survive temperatures as low as -8°C without freezing.

The quantity of venom which a tiger snake could kill 1,25,000 mice.

The Dromiceiomimus was one of the fastest dinosaurs, reaching a speed of about 65 KMPH.

A tiny mole can dig a tunnel over 76 m long in a single night.

A greyhound dog can run at a speed up to 64 KMPH. Whilst the weimaraner, once used for hunting large prey such as wolves and wild boar, can reach speeds up to 56 KMPH. in a hard chase.

The world's most poisonous fungus is the yellow-olive colored death-cap, found in Britain and Europe. Less than 50 gm can kill a human in just 6 hours.

The most dangerous ant is the bulldog ant, found in Australia. It is so named because of its ferocity and determination during an attack. The ant stings its prey a number of times - injecting more venom each time. It can kill an adult human within 15 minutes.

African grey parrot can talk with a vocabulary of 800 words and more.

Some caterpillars eat more than 100 times their own weight of food every day, during the first 8 weeks of life.

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