Current Affairs Nature

Weighing up to 20 kg, kori bustard is the heaviest flying bird.

Kangaroos can jump up to a height of more than 10 ft. The size of a newborn kangaroo is just 2.5 cm on an average. Kangaroo's meat does not contain cholesterol.

The oldest living tree is called Eternal God and it is a Sequoia (Californian Red Tree) which has survived more than 12,000 years.

The blue-ringed octopus is the more poisonous, living around the Australian Great Barrier Reef. Seemingly harmless but after biting its victim, it squirts poison on the wound, causing the nervous system to dysfunction leading to death.

The gabon viper, with a length up to 2 m, is one of the longest snakes in the world. Its poisonous fangs can be up to 5 cm long.

Stonefish is one of the most poisonous fish in the world, living on the sea bed, camouflaged or disguised as a harmless rock. If threatened, the stone fish raises its poisonous spines which are sharp enough to pierce the soles of shoes.

The praying mantis is the only insect that can turn its head 360°.

Sea horses, through their strange eyes, can focus in two different directions at a time.

Komodo dragon, found in the Indonesian islands of Komodo is the world's largest lizard. The largest known specimen was measured at 3.10 m and weighed 166 kg. 

Jacana or lily trotter is a bird, which has amazingly long toes that spreads the bird's weight over a large area and allow it to walk on floating lily pods as it hunts for food, such as insects and seeds. They live in parts of North and South America, Africa, and Asia.

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