Current Affairs Miscelleneous

Compared to adult moth caterpillars have very poor eye sight and can see only light and dark.

Donald Duck comics were once banned in Finland because it didn't wear pants.

German Shepherds are known to bite humans more than any other breed of dog.

A Baboon called "Jackie" became a private in the South African army in World War I.

Dolphins emit sound waves of 200,000 hertz, with the help of which they detect the size, shape, direction and distance of the obstacles in their way.

A phenomenal proportion: while sleeping eight out of hundred people snore and 10 grind their teeth subconsciously.

Duelling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.

If you ever want to make friends with a pig, sing to it. Pigs are very fond of music.

In the United States deaf people have safer driving records than those who can hear.

The world's fastest reptile on land is the spiny-tailed iguana of Costa Rica .Moves at a speed of 21.7mph.

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