Current Affairs Miscelleneous

According to scientists' studies a rat's performance in maze can be improved by playing music written by Mozart.

Glass containers are 64% clear, 23% brown and 13% green.

Any American citizen can give whatever name he or she chooses to any unnamed mountain or hill in the United States.

The gases emitted from a banana or an apple can help an orange ripen.

The average person who stops smoking requires one hour less sleep.

Vibration-sensitive nerve cells, arranged in a series called the lateral line, run along a shark's sides. They help the shark "feel" objects some distance away. 

Reindeer eats lots of moss, which contains a special chemical that helps reindeer keep its body fluids warm from freezing winter.

The grey hound is the fastest dog on Earth and can reach speeds of up to 41.7 miles per hour.

You have to be at least 58.5 inches to be an astronaut.

Badgers can see well in the dark and have strong sense of smell.

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