Popular Struggles and Movements
Maoists: The communists who believe in the ideology of Mao, the leader of the Chinese Revolution. They seek to overthrow the government through an armed revolution so as to establish the rule of the peasants and workers.
Organisation: A systematic arrangement of people who work collectively to achieve certain objectives for common benefit.
MNC: Multi-National Company i.e., a company held by a different nation. This term signifies privatisation.
Politics: Politics refers to the power-oriented behaviour with respect to the process of government. Politics involves conflict, power and policy as its basic elements.
SPA: It is Seven Party Alliance of Nepal formed for the struggle for democracy. This alliance includes some big parties that have some members in the Parliament.
Public Opinion: Opinion of the people of a country on an issue of national importance. It is mostly an aggregated, organised and considered opinion of a section or sections of people on an issue of public concern.
FEDECOR: An organisation of Bolivia comprising local professionals, including engineers and environmentalists. The organisation was formed to protest against water privatisation in Bolivia.
Interest Groups: Interest group is a group of persons formed to promote a specific goal/interest. This group represents the social, economic and political interests of a particular segment of the society. An Interest group has common aims and try to get them fulfilled through different means and not by capturing power.
Pressure Group: Pressure Group is an organised aggregate group, which seeks to influence the government's decision making without attempting to place their members in formal governmental capacity A pressure group uses extra-constitutional measures to influence and coerce the government.
Electorate: It refers to the entire body of people who are qualified to vote and participate in the election of representatives for the legislative or a local body.
Election Manifesto: A written document or statement published by each political party that consists of the policies and programmes of the party. The manifesto is implemented when the party comes to power and issued at the time of election.
Movement: The struggle in order to achieve certain aims like democracy, is known as Movement. It aims at many forms of collective action.
Electoral Competition or Participation: It is a part of political participation which entails participating in the election procedure through voting, contesting elections, campaigning, etc.
Universal Adult Franchise: This term refers to the right to vote given to all the adult citizens of a country to elect their representatives periodically. It ensures political equality and emphasis popular sovereignty.
Ballot (Secret Ballot): It is a secret vote in which people mark on a piece of paper to indicate the person they choose to represent them. more...
Lifelines of National Economy
Important Terms And Concepts
Balance of Trade. It is the difference between the total value of exports and imports of goods of a nation.
Border Roads. These are roads constructed along the international frontier for maintaining the defence of the country.
Communication. Exchange of ideas, emotions, messages, either written or oral, from one place to another all over the world.
Exports. Goods dispatched/sent from one country to another.
Golden Quadrilateral Super ways. Roads built for fast and uninterrupted traffic having four to six lanes connecting the four metropolitan cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata.
Harbour. A deep coast of sea where ships are anchored safely.
Hinterland. An area served by a port.
Imports. Goods brought into a country from other Countries
International Trade. Trade carried on between countries.
Mass Communication. The means of communication through which one can communicate with several people at the same time.
National Highways. Roads connecting the capitals and the metropolitan cities of the country.
Pipelines. A new means of transport for carrying oil and natural gas from the oilfields and refineries to far off places.
Personal Communication. Communication between two or more persons at personal level.
Port. A commercial part of a harbour where loading and unloading of goods takes place in ships.
State Highways. Roads connecting the state capital with other major cities of the state.
Trade. Exchange of goods and commodities between or among countries or within the country.
Transport. A system by which goods and passengers are carried from one place to another.
Power Sharing: Tower sharing' is the distribution of powers/subjects among the organs of the government like—legislature, executive and judiciary. It is an intelligent step to ensure the stability of political order. Besides, power sharing also includes sharing at the different levels like union, state and local.
Ethnic: "A social division" based on shared culture. Mostly people belonging to the same ethnic group believe in their common descent because they have similarities of physical type or culture or both. They may not have the same religion or nationality, e.g., French speaking, Dutch speaking, Sinhala speaking, Oriyas, Tamilians, etc.
Sri Lankan Tamils: Tamil natives of Sri Lanka are called "Sri Lankan Tamils". They constitute 13 per cent of the population.
Indian Tamils: The Tamilians whose forefathers came from India as plantation workers during colonial period and settled there (Sri Lanka) are called "Indian Tamils". They constitute 5 per cent of the population.
Majoritarian: A concept which signifies a belief that the majority community should be able to rule a country in whichever way it wants is known as "Majoritarian". In this type of rule they disregard the wishes and needs of the minority.
Community Government: A type of Government which is elected by people belonging to one language community is called "Community Government", e.g., Dutch, French and German speaking no matter where they live. This is a very specific type of Government in Belgium.
Civil War: A violent conflict between opposing groups within a country is known as civil war. Sometimes it becomes so intense that it appears like a war.
Prudential: It is a set of reason which favours power sharing. It is based on prudence, or on careful calculation of gains and losses. Prudential reasons stress beneficial consequences.
Moral: It is also a set of reasons which emphasise the intrinsic worth of power sharing. It is based on moral considerations.
Horizontal Distribution of Power: A type of distribution in which power is shared among different organs of government, such as the legislature, executive and judiciary. They are placed at the same level.
Checks and Balances: A system in which each organ of the government checks the others which results in a balance of power among various institutions. It ensures that none of the organs can exercise unlimited power.
Vertical Division of Power: It is a type of distribution of power which involves the higher and lower levels of government such as central, provincial or regional levels.
Federal Government: Federal Government is a type of Government in which powers are shared among the different levels. Like union level and provincial level. In this the general government for the entire country at the union level is called "Federal Government".
Reserved Constituencies: It is a system in which constituencies are reserved in more...
Federalism: "Federalism" is a system of government in which the power is divided between a central authority and various constituent units of the country.
Unitary System: "Unitary System" is a system of government in which either there is only one level of government or sub units are subordinate to the central government.
Jurisdiction: The area over which someone has legal authority, that area may be denned in terms of geographical units or in terms of certain/specific matters, is known as 'Jurisdiction'.
Tier System: Tier system is the system which signifies levels of Government. It may be two levels or two tiers and three levels or three tier.
Coming Together Federation: It is a type of federation in which independent states come together on their own to form a bigger unit, so that by pooling sovereignty and retaining identity they can increase their security.
"Holding Together Federation: It is such a federation in which a large country decides to divide its power between the 'Constituent States' and the 'National Government'.
List System: 'List System' states the distribution of powers or subjects through the list like Union List for central/union level, state list for state level, etc. It is the specific feature of Indian federalism.
Union List: It is the list given under the jurisdiction of Union government. It includes the subjects or matters of national importance like defense, finance, external affairs, currency, etc. Union government alone can make laws on the Union List subjects.
State List: 'State List' is given under the jurisdiction of State Government. It includes the subjects or matters of state and local importance. State Government alone can make laws on the state list subjects.
Concurrent List: Concurrent list stands for the subjects of common interest to both the Union Government as well as the State Government. For the concurrent list subjects both the Union as well as the State Government can make laws.
Residuary Subjects: Residuary subjects are the leftover subjects which do not fall in any one of the three lists. On the residuary subjects only the Union Government can legislate e.g., computers software and internet.
Union Territories: Union territories are the areas which are run by the Union Central Government. They are too small to become an independent state but could not be merged with any of the existing states, e.g., Chandigarh.
Linguistic States: The creation of states on the basis of languages is known as the "Linguistic States". Linguistic states recognise differences based on culture, ethnicity or geography.
Language Policy: Language policy is the safeguard to the languages. It is one of the important aspects of our constitution. Under this policy besides more...