10th Class

Forms of Energy

Category : 10th Class

*         Introduction


We use different sources of energy in different forms. Without energy all our activities will come to stop and we will not be able to survive. For doing work we need energy. For this we need a source of energy which would provide us adequate amount of energy in a convenient form for a long period of time. All the source of energy can be divided into categories, i.e. renewable and non-renewable sources of energy.


*        Forms of Energy


*           Renewable Sources of Energy

Those sources of energy which can be replenished in short time in nature and are inexhaustible, are called renewable sources of energy. For example, tree, the wood obtained from trees are renewable sources of energy. If we cut a tree it can be replenished in a period of 5 to 10 years. The other sources like hydro energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, etc are renewable sources of energy. These sources of energy is also called non-conventional sources of energy as it can be used again and again and will never get exhausted. That is why they are also called inexhaustible sources of energy.


*             Non-Renewable Sources of Energy

Those sources of energy which we cannot be replenish in short time in nature and exhaustible in nature are called non-renewable sources of energy. For example, the fossil fuel, which we are using today as a major sources of energy such as petrol, diesel, natural gas etc are non-renewable sources of energy.

These sources of energy cannot get replenished in short time and can get exhausted after some time. Hence they are also called exhaustible sources of energy. They are also called conventional sources of energy. A good sources of energy is one which are easily available and is cheap. It also must be easy to store and transport and should be safe in use. It should not cause pollution to the environment and should have high calorific value.


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