Archives March 2006

The first time we entered a real chemistry laboratory, the processor told us - "feel it, touch it, see the-colour, smell it and taste it if I allow you to do so". It was quite interesting of course during practicals when a thin white precipitate was obtained, we were told that it is only turbidity due to impurities. We were later confused that a similar thing was a precipitate of low concentration. Now an analytical chemistry laboratory looks different. Spectroscopic analysis - optical, ultraviolet, infrared, X- rays, X-ray diffraction, nuclear magnetic resonance and electron spectroscopy rule the roost. One can call this a chemistry laboratory or a physics laboratory depending on who is the chief of the division. The father and son Bragg made the study of diffraction and X-ray spectroscopy, Pauling, Herzberg and Mulliken have been equally handling chemistry and physics. While physicists will do well to know more more...


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