"Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away."
Elvis Presley, singer
When the legendary fashion designer Coco Chanel inadvertently developed a suntan during a Mediterranean cruise in the 1920s, tanned skin immediately became synonymous with beauty, fashion, and a healthy lifestyle. When the Popular Front won the 1936 French general elections and legislated for annual paid holidays, people began to spend more of their time in the sun. In response to increasing French demands for a product to assist in the tanning process/the' French chemist and founder of L'Oreal, Eugene Schueller (1881-1957), created "Bellis," the world's first sunscreen lotion. Its effectiveness in the prevention of skin cancers, however, was poor when compared with modern formulations, and many early attempts at tanning lotions amounted to nothing more than crude oil- based pastes. Twenty-six years would pass before the chemist Franz Greiter