10th Class

Comprehension Based on General Topics

Category : 10th Class

*         Comprehension


Introduction: Comprehension is an important segment that tests the ability of an individual to understand the language, his knowledge of words and how nicely can an examinee understand the given passage. This part is in fact very easy but many fail to fix it since they fail to follow the rules defined to approach it.                                            


*         Comprehension Based on General Topics



*            Passage - 1

Even as the debate over global warming and other climate change issues continues, and analyses has shown that floods and other weather-related disasters have been soaring during the past decade across the world. While the number of earthquakes, volcanoes and other geophysical disasters remained quite the same over the last 10 years, there was an increase in floods and other weather-related disasters.

The loss of life and property due to weather-related disasters has also been on the increase in recent years. Though earthquakes proved to be the deadliest disasters, with much of it attributed to the killer-quake in Gujarat on January 26, over the 1990, floods, windstorms, drought, famine and other hydro- meteorological hazards were responsible for as much as 71 per cent of all lives lost due to disasters.

Disasters cannot remain within the area of disaster managers alone. Development experts must play a bigger role in disaster management and risk reduction. Climate change associated with global warming could give all sorts of disease-causing organisms the chance they need to cause harm to plant and animal species-including humans. For example, mosquito-borne infections, like malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever and certain tick-borne diseases, such as Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis, appear to be spreading, possibly due to milder winters.


Read the passage carefully and tick the correct answers:



Analysis shows that the debate over global warming has failed to:

(a) Control disasters related to weather                               

(b) Control disaster related to nature

(c) Control geophysical disasters                                              

(d) Control floods, earthquakes and volcanoes

(e) None of these


Answer: (a)

Explanation: (a)

The first line in the passage 'Even as the debate over global warming and other climate change issues continues, and analyses has shown that floods and other weather-related disasters have been...' hints answer to the question.



Of all the disasters recorded in the last to last decade, the disaster made by_____________. is severe.

(a) Flood                                                             

(b) Volcano                        

(c) Weather                                                       

(d) Earthquake

(e) None of these


Answer: (d)

Explanation: (d)

The sentence in the passage 'Though earthquakes proved to be the deadliest disasters, with .....' clearly gives answer to the question.



The role of controlling disaster lies with:

(a) Disaster managers                                   

(b) Disaster management

(c) Development experts                            

(d) Disaster managers and development experts

(e) None of these


Answer: (d)

Explanation: (d)

The lines 'Disasters cannot remain within the area of disaster managers alone' and 'Development experts must play a bigger role in disaster management and risk reduction' jointly gives answer to the question.



The gradual decline of the presence of severe winters in the recent decades has caused to:

(a) Many disasters                                          

(b) Deadliest disasters

(c) Cause several diseases                          

(d) Rise in disease-causing organisms

(e) None of these


Answer: (d)

Explanation: (d)

The sentence 'Climate change associated with global warming could give all sorts of disease-causing organisms ....' gives answer to the question.


*            Passage - 2

Acid rain is pollution that falls to the earth as rain that is more acidic than natural rain. Scientists also include mist, hail, sleet and snow, in the term acid rain. Acid rain is a serious problem all over the world. It weakens and kills many organisms. In some places, acid rain has permanently damaged trees and flowers. For example, trees affected by acid rain may not be able to prepare properly for cold weather. Acid rain has also caused many streams, lakes, and other bodies of water to become too acidic for fish and other living things to live and reproduce in them. In some places, the rain is so acidic that it eats away at human-made objects such as buildings. Acid rain forms when water and certain gases in the atmosphere mix. These gases contain sulphur and nitrogen. This mixture produces sulphuric and nitric acid, these acids tater fall to the ground in acid rain. Some of the sulphur and nitrogen in the atmosphere comes from natural sources. These include forest fires, volcanic eruptions, and lightning. However, human activities - such as burning coal and oil in factories and power plants and burning fuel in cars and trucks - also produce huge amounts of sulphur and nitrogen. Many scientists feel that these human activities produce most of the acid rain that falls. Scientists call acid rain a long-range pollutant. The sulphur and nitrogen needed to make acid rain can travel long distances in the atmosphere. Acid rain can then fall hundreds of miles from the sources of nitrogen and sulphur that produced it. Thus, the fish in a stream in Vermont or the trees in a forest in Massachusetts may be harmed by acid rain caused by sulphur from a smokestack in Ohio or Pennsylvania.


Read the passage carefully and tick the correct answers:



It could be accounted that the affect of acid rain is:

(a) Mild                                                               

(b) Severe                          

(c) Placid                                                             

(d) Serious

(e) None of these


Answer: (d)

Explanation: (d)

The sentence 'Acid rain is a serious problem all over the world' gives answer to the question.               



Plants and trees which suffer worst during acid rain:

(a) Could not bear flowers          

(b) Fail to bear fruits

(c) Refrain from protecting themselves during winter

(d) Could not prepare for cold weather

(e) None of these


Answer: (d)

Explanation: (d)

The sentence 'For example, trees affected by acid rain may not be able to prepare properly for cold weather' hints answer to the question.



The composition of gases contained in acid rain:

(a) Sulphuric and nitric acid        

(b) Sulphur and nitrogen

(c) Nitrogen and nitric acid                          

(d) All of these

(e) None of these


Answer: (b)

Explanation: (b)

Both the sentences 'Acid rain forms when water and certain gases in the atmosphere mix' and 'These gases contain sulpbur and nitrogen' jointly give answer to the question.



Acid rain' according to a few scientists, is the end result of:

(a) Human activities                                       

(b) Volcanic eruptions

(c) Forest fires                                                  

(d) Burning coal and oil in factories

(e) None of these


Answer: (a)

Explanation: (a)

The sentence 'Many scientists feel that these human activities produce most of the acid rain that falls' gives answer to the question.


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