10th Class

Comprehensions Based on General Topics

Category : 10th Class


Comprehensions Based on General Topics


Study the following examples.


·                     Example 1


Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:


Today every major anthology of nineteenth-century poetry includes examples of the work which Christina Rossetti produced during her long literary career. Born in 1830, she began composing verse at the age of eleven and continued to write for the remaining fifty-three years of her life. Her brother, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, himself a poet and painter, soon recognized her genius and urged her to publish her poems. By the time of her death in 1894, Rossetti had written more than eleven hundred poems and had published over nine hundred of them. Although this work has earned her recognition as the greatest woman poet of the Victorian Age, there is still no authoritative edition

of her poetry.


1.            The word "anthology' (line I) probably means:

(a) Writer                      

(b) Collection

(c) Poem                       

(d) Poet

(e) None of these


2.            Christina Rossetti began writing poetry:

(a) only after her brother urged her to do so.

(b) when she was fifty three years old.

(c) when she was very young.

(d) when her genius was recognized.

(e) None of these


3.            RossettFs brother was probably a judge of her work because:

(a) he loved his sister very much.

(b) he himself published poems.

(c) he was a poet.

(d) he was a famous painter.

(e) None of these


4.            By 1894, Rossetti had:

(a) published only a few of the many poems she had written.

(b) published all the poems she had written.

(c) published more than eleven hundred poems.

(d) published over nine hundred poems.

(e) None of these


5.            At the time, when this passage was written, Christina Rossetti?s poetry:

(a) was almost unknown.

(b) was rarely published.

(c) had made her known as the greatest woman poet of the eighteenth century

(d) had not been collected in an authoritative edition.

(e) None of these


·                     Example 2


Directions: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:


One simple physical concept lies behind the formation of the stars- gravitational instability the concept is not new. Newton first perceived it late in the l7th century imagine a uniform, static cloud of gas in space. Imagine then that the gas is somehow disturbed so that one small spherical region becomes a little denser than the gas around it so that the small region s gravitational field becomes slightly stronger. It now attracts more matter to it and its gravity increases further, causing it to begin to contract as it contracts its density increases, which increases its gravity even more, so that it picks up even more matter and contracts even further. The process continues until the small region of gas finally forms a gravitationally bound object.


1.            The primary purpose of the passage is to:

(a) describe a static condition.

(b) support a theory considered outmoded.

(c) depict the successive stages of a phenomenon.

(d) demonstrate the evolution of the meaning of a term.

(e) None of these


2.            It can be inferred from this passage that the author views the information contained within it as:

(a) lacking in elaboration.            

(b) original but obscure.

(c) speculative and unprofitable.      

(d) uncomplicated and traditional.

(e) None of these


3.            With which of the following words can you replace the word 'uniform' as given in this passage?

(a) Uniting                      (b) Varying

(c) Gaseous                    (d) Unvarying

(e) None of these


4.            What does the underlined word 'it' stands for in the passage?

(a) Gravitational instability

(b) Cloud of gas

(c) Small spherical denser region

(d) Matter

(e) None of these


5.            The author provides information that answers which of the following questions?

I. What causes the disturbances that changes the cloud from its original static condition?

II. How does this small regions increasing density affect its gravitational field?

III. What is the end result of the gradually increasing concentration of the small region of gas?

(a) I only                      (b) II only

(c) II and III only            (d) I, II and III

(e) None of these





1.    (B)

2.    (C)

3.    (C)

4.    (D)


1.    (C)

2.    (D)

3.    (D)

4.    (C).



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