10th Class

Creating Paragraphs

Category : 10th Class

*   Creating Paragraphs



In formatting a text inside a Web page Paragraphs played an important role. For creating a paragraph HTML provides <p> tag. It is used to control the line spacing between the paragraphs and also within the paragraphs. The starting and ending of any document is done under <p> tag. The start is done through <p> tag whereas ending is done through </p> tag.


The following code snippet shows how to create a paragraph:





<title>Student Personal Record </title>



Student Personal Record page maintains the personal information of each student. Personal information includes name, father name, address, and phone number.

This page also has educational background of each student.





* Using Headings

HTML enables six predefined levels of heading. The number for headings contains under <h> tag, which is basically used to define the level of headings. The tag which defines the highest level is <h1> and the lowest level of headings is <h6> tag.  

The following code snippet shows different levels of heading:





<title>Student Personal Record </title>




<h1> Level 1</h1>

<h2> Level 2</h2> 

<h3> Level 3</h3>

<h4> Level 1</h4>

<h5> Level 1</h5>

<h6> Level 1</h6>






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