10th Class

Grouping of Identical Figure

Category : 10th Class


In such type of problems, a set of some figures usually 9 figures is given. This set may be divided into three classes each of 3 figures such that each class has some common properties in its figures. A candidate is required to identify the figures having common properties and then to choose an appropriate option from amongst the given four options.






A set of some figures is given. Group these figures into classes on the basis of their common properties and then choose the correct option.


(a) 1, 2, 9; 3, 4, 6; 5, 7, 8                        (b) 1, 7, 9; 2, 3, 6; 4, 5, 8

(c) 1, 7, 8; 2, 9, 3; 6, 4, 5                        (d) 1, 6, 8; 2, 4, 7; 3, 5, 9


Explanation (b):

1, 7, 9; each in a pair of two similar figures one is inside the other but not touching each other.

2, 3, 6; each in a pair of two similar figures one is inside the other and both touching each other.

4, 5, 8; each figure in divided into equal parts by straight lines passing through the centre.



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