10th Class

Judging Logic of Actions

Category : 10th Class


Judging Logic of Actions


In this section, we have to arrange the actions in a sequence. Some examples are solved to develop your understanding.


·                     Example 1


Arrange P, Q, R and S between \[{{S}_{1}}\] and \[{{S}_{6}}\] in order to make a meaningful paragraph.


         \[{{S}_{1}}\]: The Third Five Year Plan ran into rough weather from the very start.

          P: Large funds had to be diverted from development to defence.

          Q: Food situation became critical and prices began to rise steeply after the Indo- Pak conflict.

          R: During this period, there was also the war with Pakistan in 1965.

          S: There was the China War in 1962 which completely upset our economy

          \[{{S}_{6}}\]: The government had to resort to devaluation of the rupee.


(a) PSRQ                       (b) QPSR    

(c) RPQS                       (d) SPRQ

(e) None of these

Ans.     (a)


·                     Example 2


Arrange P, Q, R and S between \[{{S}_{1}}\] and \[{{S}_{6}}\] in order to make a meaningful paragraph.


          \[{{S}_{1}}\]: Satyajit Ray made several films for children.

           P: Later film makers have followed his lead.

           Q: Today other nations are making children?s films in a big way.

           R: This was at a time when no director considered children as potential audience.

           S: Ray was, thus, a pioneer in the field.

           \[{{S}_{6}}\] : But today few people consider Ray as the pioneer of children?s films.


(a) SQRP                       (b) RSQP    

(c) RSPQ                       (d) PSRQ

(e) None of these

Ans.     (c)



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