10th Class

Message Writing

Category : 10th Class



Introduction: Writing message is an art, and the art to write a short and clear message is a very important writing skill which needs to be mastered.  Most often the input for a message comes in the form of a telephonic conversation between two people.    




1.    A general telephone conversation between Prakash and Kumar.

Prakash: Hello Kumar, How are you?

Kumar: Hi Prakash, I am good.

Prakash: How you doing?

Kumar: Yeah, I am doing well. What about you?

Prakash: Great. How are your parents?

Kumar: They are very fine.

Prakash: And your job?

Kumar: Good. What about your job?

Prakash: Very nice.

Kumar: How are you feeling today?

Prakash: Yeah, I am feeling great, because we are talking after a pretty longtime.

Kumar: My pleasure. How is the temperature in Delhi?

Prakash: It's fine but little bit humid although the temperature is not much.

Kumar: OK, here in Mumbai too, the weather is dull. It is full of could in the sky and rain can begin anytime from now.

Prakash: It's really good to hear this. In Delhi, although the monsoon has arrived, the rain is not up to the mark.

Kumar: Is it so? But 1 have heard that the summer of Delhi is too hard to pass.

Prakash: Yes, you are right.

Kumar: It's not very hot over here and not very cold, but in the evening it's quite pleasant.

Prakash: Then, you are so lucky to be there.

Kumar: All right then, call you soon.

Prakash: OK, Kumar, bye.

Prakash: Bye and take care.


2.    A conversation between two friends who meet each other and ask about submitting of application form.

Rani: Hi, Radha! Have you submitted your application form?

Radha: Not yet. I'll do it tomorrow.

Radha: Why?

Radha:I couldn't make photocopies of my certificates because there was no electricity in that area.

Rani: OK, what group are you planning to choose?

Radha: l'll be choosing Mathematics and Biology.

Rani: Why both?

Radha:I want to keep my options open. I want to become either an electrical or electronic engineer or a doctor.

Rani: That's a terrific idea! live decided to choose the second group.

Radha: Why the second group? 1 thought you would choose the first group!

Rani: l'm terribly scared of Mathematics and also Zoology.

Radha: Strange! Your grandfather was a famous Mathematician.

Rani: What about Anuska? She was interested in History and Geography.

Radha:I heard that she is planning to join the vocational group.

Rani: Why?

Radha: She told me that she wants to participate in different basketball tournaments. Hence is that choice.

Rani: OK, we'll meet tomorrow.

Radha: Yes, tomorrow is the last day to submit the application form, so be there at time. Rani:   Sure, l'll.


3.   Conversation between a customer and a salesman in a gift shop.

Salesman: Good morning sir!

Customer: Good morning!

Salesman: How can 1 help you sir?

Customer: I want to purchase a gift for my cousin to give it on her birthday.

Salesman: How old is she?

Customer: She is only ten years old. It should be something beautiful and unique.

Salesman: You know ours is the biggest gift shop in South Delhi. We have a large collection of gift items. Please come to this side. I shall show you the latest items.

Customer: Suggest me the items that can make my sister happy?

Salesman: You can buy this imported doll. It speaks English and sings wonderful songs.

Customer: Oh, it is really a beautiful doll.

Salesman: Yes, this doll is very popular among the children.

Customer: Can you tell me how to operate it?

Salesman: Yes, push this red button and it will start speaking English, and when you push this blue button it starts singing.

Customer: What is its price?

Salesman: Only Rs.1250/-

Customer: It's a costly item. Anyway, pack it. I don't like bargaining. I hope you will charge reasonably.

Salesman: Don't worry. We deal with our customers sincerely and take minimum price. Otherwise how can we get permanent customers?

Customer: Also show me some picture books which can increase the general knowledge of my cousin.

Salesman: We have a lot of such books. Here are some excellent books. They are not only interesting but also good for gaining general knowledge. See the beautiful pictures and high quality paper.

Customer: How much have I to pay for these five books?

Salesman: Rs.350/- only. Customer: Please pack these books also. Now teil me the minimum amount I have to pay.

Salesman: The total amount is Rs.1600/-. Please pay me Rs.1525/- only. I have minimized my profit.

Customer: Here are Rs.2000/-. Please give me cash receipt and balance amount. Salesman: Sir, here is the cash-receipt and the balance. Thanks for your nice visit.



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