10th Class

Nationalism In India - Important Terms And Concepts

Category : 10th Class


Nationalism in India






  1. Nationalism. Patriotism; a feeling of collective belonging to one's nation; sharing common feelings of identity.


  1. Nation-states. A state having common territory and inhabited by people sharing common language, race, culture, etc.


  1. Influenza epidemic. Extensive spread of influenza — an acute virus disease usually with fever, cold and body rashes.


  1. Forced recruitment. In colonies people were often compelled to join the army and fight war on behalf of the colonial rulers.


  1. Satyagraha. A method of agitation and protest, based on truth and non-violence. This was first introduced by Gandhiji in Indian national movement. The method was passive resistance consisting of defiance of laws, non-payment of taxes, boycott of government institutions, etc.


  1. Rowlatt Act. An Act passed by British Government in India in 1919. It authorized the government to arrest and imprison a person without trial. The Act was against civil rights.


  1. Civil Disobedience. Refusal to comply with certain laws as a method of peaceful protest.


  1. Hartal. Strikes-a method of demonstrating protests.


  1. Martial Law. Law of military government. When martial laws are imposed, ordinary laws are suspended.


  1. Jallianwalla Bagh. A park in Amritsar in Punjab. It is well known in the history of India because the place is associated with massacre of Indians by the British.


  1. Khalifa. The spiritual and temporal head of all Muslims or the Muslim world. Khalifa was also the ruler of Turkey till 1922.


  1. Boycott. A method of resistance used by Indian nationalists under which they refused cooperation with the British in every sphere—stopping to use foreign goods by not attending British institutions.


  1. Picket. A method of protest by which the people block the entrance of a shop, factory or office. One or more persons stand outside a place of work or shop to dissuade others from entering.


  1. Khadi. Handspun handloom material.


  1. Begar. Forced labour compelling people to work free without any remuneration.


  1. Gudem rebels. The people who participated in the militant guerrilla movement in the Gudem hills of Andhra Pradesh. It was a resistance movement against the colonial government who prevented the people from entering the forests for grazing their cattle or collect firewood or fruits from the region.


  1. Plantation. Estates or extensive area under cultivation of cash crops such as tea, coffee, cotton, tobacco, etc.


  1. Dominion Status. Dominion status is a status enjoyed by other dominions of British Commonwealth such as Australia or Canada.



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