10th Class

Novels Society And History - Important Terms And Concepts

Category : 10th Class


Novels, Society and History




1.            Commonality. Sharing of an attribute, common features.


2.            Serialised Novel. A novel whose story is published in instalments in a magazine or a journal.


3.            Epic. A long poem narrating adventures or achievements of a heroic figure or a nation.


4.            Nostalgia. Having a feeling of home sickness?sentimental yearning of the past.


5.            Novel. A novel is a modern form of literature. These are in printed form of a book narrating stories.


6.            Manuscript. Author's copy; document written by hand.


7.            Gentlemanly Classes. Class of well-bred people. People of good social position and wealth.


8.            Ballads. A poem or song narrating a story in short stanzas.


9.            Epistolary Novels. Novels written in the form of series of letters.


10.          Grain Merchant. A merchant or trader who deals in grain.


11.          Vernacular. The language spoken by common people.


12.          Hypocrisy. Insincerity.


13.          Colonialism. Policy of acquiring or maintaining colonies.


14.          Slave Trader. A trader who buys and sells slaves.


15.          Native. Original inhabitant; indigenous.


16.          Primitive. Ancient; at an early stage of civilisation.


17.          Barbaric. Primitive; savage.


18.          Domestic Novels. Novels that depict the inner world of domestic life in contemporary setting, deal with social problem and romantic relationship between men and women.


19.          Historical Novels. Novels based on historical events.        


20.          Kabirlarai. A Bengali word meaning extempore poetry contests.


21.          Bhadralok. A Bengali word meaning a gentle man.


22.          Jatra. Dramatic performance in open theatres. Very popular in rural society of Bengal.


23.          Colloquial. Belonging to ordinary or familiar conversation; ordinary spoken language, not formal or literary.


24.          Meyeli. Language associated with women's speech.


25.          Pen-name. Fictitious name used by an author only for the purpose of writing without exposing one's identity.


26.          Satire. It is form of representation through writing, drawing, painting etc. which provides a criticism of society in manner that is witty and clever.


27.          Fantasy. Fanciful composition or writing involving imaginary characters, etc.


28.          Autobiographical Pieces. Pieces of literature written by an author to narrate the story of his/her own life.

29.          Mallow. A community of fisher folk who live off fishing.


30.          Protagonist. Chief person or character in the plot of story. Main character of a novel or a book.



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