10th Class

Outcome of Democracy - Important Terms And Concepts

Category : 10th Class




Important Terms And Concepts


  1. Outcome: Results, consequences or output.


  1. Characteristics of Democracy: Promotes equality, Enhances the dignity of the individual, improves the quality of decision making, provides methods to resolve conflicts, accommodates correct mistakes.


  1. Alternative Forms of Government than Democracy: Monarchy, military rule, by religious leaders.


  1. Elements/Constituents of Democracy: Formal constitution, elections, political parties, constitutional rights.


  1. Monarchy: The government ruled by the monarch or king of the country i.e., monarch or king is the head of the country who is hereditary.


  1. Dignity: The word denotes privileged position, honorable rank or importance given to any particular post or personality.


  1. Outcome of Democracy: Political equality and political justice, social equality and social justice, economic equality and economic justice, dignity to the individual.


  1. Measures for Democratic Outcome: Regular free and fair elections, open public debate on major policies, right to information given to the people.


  1. Economic Development: It refers to the growth or advancement of the country in the way of providing better facilities and services to the individual.


  1. Transparency: Right or means to examine the process of decision making.


  1. Accountable: Responsible, answerable, legitimate to the individual/posts and their needs and expectations.


  1. Poverty: It is a socio-economic phenomenon which in general terms is the denial of opportunities to lead a long, healthy, creative life and to enjoy a decent standard of living.


  1. Inequality: Absence of equal opportunities, equal treatment and equal status at any level, social, economic or political is known as inequality.


  1. Measures to Sustain Democracy:

                         Unity in diversity

                         Historical background of the country

                         Tolerance power among people

                         Feeling of nationalism and patriotism

                         Peaceful co-existence


                         International peace and understanding


  1. Civil Liberties: These are privileges or rights thought to be valuable in themselves and important for the functioning of democratic society.


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