10th Class


Category : 10th Class

*         Paragraph


Introduction: A paragraph is a piece of writing that consists of several sentences. A paragraph should always have complete, correct and concise sentences. As well, it should be easy to read and well organized. The paragraph itself should focus on one subject, theme, or central idea. It can be divided into three major parts:

1.       The Topic Sentence

2.       The Supporting Details

3.       The Concluding Sentence

Paragraph writing consists of many necessary elements to be taken into consideration before, while and after writing.  





1.    Girl child in India

A world of the girl child is full of love, warmth and concern. She is the procreator and the mother of tomorrow. She is the one who shapes the destiny of civilization and imparts values and virtues to the future. This beautiful creation of God has become the gravest concern today. Traditions and rituals are outlining the survival of the girl child in India. Even though the country has made remarkable growth in various fields, it is tragically representing the lowest sex ratio. Not only female feticide and infanticide, a series of other discrepancy, like lack of girl education, lack of nutrition, early marriage and absence of basic necessities are also attached to the gravest concern of humanity. Lack of education holds the girl child to a low standard of living and provides in ability to expose her skills and knowledge. She is deprived of the basic right to education and is unable to realize her potential and develop civic sense.

According to Indian law, it is illegal to facilitate marriage of a girl under the age of 18 but hardly the rule is followed. Research done by UNICEF indicated illegal marriage of almost 82 percent of girls. These girls are forced to get married before the age of 18 and the maximum illegal practice of early girl marriage is claimed in Rajasthan. Rural areas of the country witness 15% of girl getting married before 13 and 52% girls getting pregnant between 15 and 19years of age. Despite of various promotional events, Government regulations and the increasing testimony of Indian women, the social evil of ill-treating a girl child is still prevailing in the country.  


2.    The impact of global warming

Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in earth's average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released by people burning fossil fuels. Throughout its long history, earth has warmed and cooled time and again. Climate has changed when the planet received more or less sunlight due to subtle shifts in its orbit, as the atmosphere or surface changed, or when the sun's energy varied. But in the past century, another force has started to influence earth's climate: humanity.

The impact of global warming is far greater than just increasing temperatures. It modifies rainfall patterns, amplifies coastal erosion, melts ice caps and alters the ranges of some infectious diseases. Some of these changes are already occurring. Global warming can be caused by many factors. Carbon emissions by humans and deforestation are the most important causes of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Millions of acres of tropical rain forests are lost each year causing climate change. Scientists predict that as the world consumes ever more fossil fuel, greenhouse gas concentrations will continue to rise and earth's average surface temperature will rise with them. Some may be of natural causes, and some may be of man-made. Cutting down pollution from car emissions and power plants will decrease the rate of global warming to a great ex tent. Varied technologies for use of alternative energy have already been developed. We need to continue to make use of current alternative energy resources like wind power and solar power, and we can adopt new technologies as they are developed.  


3.    Practice of child labour in India

Labourers below the age of 14 years are called child labour. India has the largest number of child labour in the world. According to the census figures of 2011, India has 13.46 million child labourers which constitute 2.85 per cent of the total population of our country. Most of the child labourers are engaged in agriculture and allied subject, like livestock, foresting and fisheries. In the urban areas children work in dhabas, eateries helpers or cleaners in trucks and as domestic servants, etc. They have long working hours, bad and unhygienic working conditions and less wages. The main reason behind child labour is poverty. Children born in poor families are forced to work not only for their own survival but also for the irfamily. Indebtedness of the parents also compels poor parents to their children employed as labourers in agricultural forms, factories, brick kilns and as domestic servants.

Although in 1987, the Indian government formulated National Policy on Child Labour to protect the interests of children and focus on general development programmes for the benefit of children, no effective measures have been taken so far. Though elimination of child labour is an impossible task in the current socio-economic scenario, the Indian government is committed to the task of ensuring that no child remains illiterate, hungry and without medical care. When this ideal will be achieved is a million dollar question.  


4.    Tsunami - the worst natural disaster

Tsunami is a Japanese word which in English means 'harbour wave.' A tsunami is a wave, or series of waves, generated in a body of water by an impulsive disturbance that vertically displaces the water column. Earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, explosions and even the impact of cosmic bodies, such as meteorites can generate tsunamis. Tsunamis can savagely attack coastlines, causing devastating property damage and loss of life. In the past, tsunamis were sometimes referred to as 'tidal waves' by the general public and as 'seismic sea waves'.

Most tsunamis occur in the ocean because of the weather around them. When wind blows at a tremendous speed then that is when tsunamis tend to happen. Tsunamis aren't usually very high but can be often hundreds of kilometers long. Most tsunamis can be spotted as a passing 'hump' in the ocean which are also called tidal waves. So far, there are no known ways to prevent tsunamis, making them extremely dangerous. As we all know, the biggest ocean in the world is the Pacific Ocean so naturally the weather will be bad, making it the ocean with the most tsunamis recorded so far. There is a weird thing about tsunamis too, because most people don't even know what a tsunami is and even if they do, they just know it as a killer wave that they saw on T.V. Because the people that have actually seen it in real life, usually haven't lived through it.  


5.    Rome was not built in a day

Rome is the capital of Italy; popularly known as 'Capital of World', 'Eternal City' and the 'City of Seven Hills'. In the founding myth of Rome, Romulus marked the outline of the city by a channel. Drawing this outline could have been done in a single day. Building the city, and expanding it to the metropolis it took a lot longer. Even though the idea of Rome was defended from day one, the reality of Rome took time to get into place; this city did not come into existence all of a sudden. It was founded in 753 B.C. Then Emperor Augustus and his successors added to its glory and grandeur till, at last, after several centuries, it became the world's most magnificent city.

Rome was once the capital of the mightiest empire of the ancient world. But this mighty empire was not built up in a year or so. Generations of men had to work hard with patience and perseverance to raise its glory. Similar is the case with all our undertakings on earth. Everybody desires greatness; but very few attain it. This is because most men do not have patience and perseverance to push on with their objects. They lose heart under the initial difficulties and give up altogether in despair. On the contrary, there are some who work on with firm determination in the face of all difficulties. They may fail once or twice or even repeatedly; still they carry on bravely and firmly until success comes to them in the end. The well-known story of Robert Bruce of Scotland and the Spider proves the truth of this, indeed, nothing great can be achieved without patient labour.


6.    The detriment of junk food

In modern days, all of us are well-known by the specialty of junk food. Food of low nutritional value is usually known as junk food. Basically, junk food is anything that is high in calories but lacking in nutrition. Burgers, chips, pastries, chow mein, French fires, chocolate bars, soft drinks and hot dogs, etc. fall in this category. Pizzas, although they can have vegetable and cheese toppings, are also included as they contain a lot of fat. Obviously, a diet of junk food is not the best thing for your health, particularly as it has highly saturated fat. Apart from the risk of cancer, another side effect of consuming highly fattening junk food is that you are likely to gain weight. This is especially true because you tend to eat more, as junk food is less satisfying and lower in vital nutrients than heal their food.

In this generation most people eat a lot of junk food instead of homemade meals. A lot of people eat junk food simply because it tastes so good. One thing that helps junk food taste so good is that it has a lot of salt in it. Another ingredient is the amount of sugar that is added to it. Also another reason why people like to eat junk food is because it's more affordable than other foods. Studies show that junk food is the cheapest food out right now that you can buy and enjoy it. Finally, junk food is almost available anywhere. It's very easy to pick up, it's around and it's present.  


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