10th Class

Practice Exercise

Category : 10th Class



A.    Correct the following sentences:

1.  They had hardly gone a few steps that they saw a lion.

2.  The thief was able to easily make his escape.

3.  I did nothing but to gossip and to waste time.

4.  He impressed me by his good behaviour.

5.  The magistrate and collector were present there.


B.    Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verbs given in brackets:

6.  He was tired and ...........asleep immediately. (fall, fell)

7.  We shall go out as soon as you ....... ready. (are, were)

8.  She said she would go on knitting as long as she ......... on the chair. (has been sitting, was sitting)

9.  He died after he .......... ill a long time. (has been, had been)

10.  He ...... in the last war. (has been killed, was killed)


C.    Make correct sentences with the suitable forms of the verbs given in brackets:

11.  The baby (cry) because it is hungry now.

12.  When I went out in the morning, my little sister (sleep).

13.  I (wait) here for my friend since 5 o'clock.

14.  If you (go) there, you would have met him.

15.  I (see) the Taj Mahal and know how beautiful it is.


D.    Put the verbs in brackets into correct forms:

16.  The boy jumped off the bus while it (move).

17.  I (not see) him since yesterday.

18.  lt is time we(return)home.

19.  He will not meet me if he (come) tomorrow.

20.  As I (wait) in the hall, the head master came to me and (ask) me in a gentle voice, 'Now, Raju, how (be) your mother?


E.    Fill in the blanks with the most suitable modals from brackets:

21.  The article stated that he............ read at the age of three. (might, could)

22.  You ...........take a sweater in case it gets cold. (should, might)

23.  It's going to rain all afternoon........... we go to the cinema? (Shall, Should)

24.  Scott............ be 21 at the end of the month. (will be, would be)

25.  Julie said the traffic was heavy, so she ......... be late for the meeting. (should, would)


F.  Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions:

26.  Not only he ........his father was also present.

(a) Is                                                                     

(b) But                                 

(c) Can                                                                 

(d) Also


27.  You can ........see the clouds in the sky.

(a) Although                                                      

(c) Since                              

(c) Even                                                               

(d) Have


28.  Do not go ........he comes.

(a) Since                                                              

(b) Till                                   

(b) Up to                                                             

(d) From


29.  ………………….he is ill, he cannot come.

(a) As                                                                   

(b) For                                 

(c) Because                                                        

(d) Like


30.  You have opposed me, ........ I cannot help you.

(a) So                                                                   

(b) Since                             

(c) For                                                                  

(d) Therefore


G.  Change into indirect speech:

31.  She said, "Raja, can you tell me where Sumit is working now?"

32.  "Go home, boys," said the teacher.

33.  "Yes, I have broken the cups," admitted the maid.

34.  "Shall I call the doctor?" he asked.

35.  They said, "What is the matter?"


H.  Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

36.  I was so absorbed ........my book that I did not notice the time.

37.  He was very ashamed ........his rude behaviour.

38.  She is distantly related ...........my wife.

39.  One soon becomes weary ........the winter.

40.  He is a bad student, he never seems really interested ...... his work.


I.  Fill in the blanks in the paragraph with suitable modals:

41.  Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He ........be exhausted after such a long flight.

42.  The book is optional. My professor said we could read it if we needed extra credit. But we ............. read it if we don't want to.

43.  Susan ......... hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so loudly.

44.  The television isn't working. It............ damaged during the move.

45.  Pinky: Can you hold your breath for more than a minute? Nupur: No..........


J.  Change the voice:

46.  Someone was knocking at the door.

47.  When will you have completed your work?

48.  When will the police have caught the thief?

49.  He shall have given the letter to courier agency.

50.  He will not have changed clothes before my arrival.


K.  Fill in the blanks with correct determiners:

....... (51) name is Sartaj. This is ....... (52) friend Natraj. He's 12........ (53) sister is nine. ....... (54) pet is a budgie. His name is Bonny. Natraj and I go to the same school. There are 450 boys and girls in ....... (55) school. Natraj goes for tuition to Mrs. Biswas. She has got a pet, too........ (56) pet is a tortoise. Our class teacher is Mr. Shastri. Ilike ....... (57) lessons. He has two dogs. The dogs love to play in ....... (58) garden. Sometimes, I go to .......(59) cousin's house and play with his pet. Now I have a question for you. What's....... (60) pet?


L.  The sentence against each of these questions has a portion bold.

There are four alternatives for the bold portion. Select the option which best describes the bold portion with correct English.

61.  Tagore was a man of letters.

(a) of wide contents                                      

(b) An excellent letter dictator

(c) A great writer of letters                         

(d) Proficient in literary art


62.  His friends beat the boy to pay off old scores.

(a) to refund old dues                                                   

(b) to take revenge

(c) to force him to be a scorer in a match              

(d) because he had not scored well earlier


63.  Chin tan is so innocent that he wears his heart on his sleeve.

(a) wears dress that does not match                      

(b) expresses his feelings openly

(c) wears colorful dresses                                           

(d) expresses his feelings with the shape of heart printed on its sleeve


64.  It was a red letter day in the history of the world.

(a) a day of bloodshed                                                  

(b) a dangerous note about the destruction

(c) a day memorable for some joyful event        

(d) a day with love and warmth


65.  The poor subordinates are made scapegoats by their superiors.

(a) punished for other's misdeeds          

(b) developed poor relations

(c) treated humbly and respectfully       

(d) scolded with arrogant reactions


M.  In each of these sentences there are four parts and one of these parts contain error. Find out and mark that part as your answer.

66.  I may go to the (1) / dancing class tomorrow (2) / if I have recovered (3) / from the cold. (4) / No error (5)

67.  The prime minister announced (1) /that the taxes will be (2)/ increasing from the (3) / beginning of the next year. / no error (5)

68.  He is the most (1) / intelligent and also (2) / the very talented (3) / student of the college. (4) / No error (5)

69.  She immediately quit (1) / the job in which (2) / neither the skill nor (3) / knowledge were required. (4) / No error (5)

70.  The meteorological department (1) / predicted that the (2) / rains and thunderstorm may (3) / continue throughout today. (4) / No error (5)




1. when they saw a lion                                                

2. to make his escape easily

3. but gossip and waste time                                     

4. with his good behaviour

5. was present there                                                     

6. fell

7. are                                                                                    

8. was sitting     

9. had been                                                                       

10. was killed

11. crying                                                                            

12. sleeping       

13. have been waiting                                                   

14. would have gone                     

15. have seen                                                                                   

16. moved

17. have not seen                                                           

18. eturn                             

19. comes                                                                           

20. waited, asked, is                                                      

21. could                                                                             

22. might

23. Should                                                                          

24. wouldbe                                      

25. would                                                                           

26. (b) 

27. (c)                                                                                   

28. (b)                  

29. (a)                                                                                  

30. (d)                                  

36. in                                                                                    

37. of

38. to                                                                                    

39. of    

40. in                                                                                    

41. must

42. don't have to                                                             

43. couldn't        

44. must have been                                                       

45. can't

51. My                                                                                 

52. my  

53. His                                                                                  

54. Their              

55. our                                                                                 

56. Her                                                                 

57. his                                                                                  

58. his                  

59. my                                                                                  

60. your

61. (D)                                                                                  

62. (B)                  

63. (B)                                                                                  

64. (C)                  

65. (A)                                                                                  

66. (3)                  

67. (2)                                                                                  

68. (3)                                  

69. (4)                                                                                  

70. (3)        




1.    They had hardly gone a few steps when they saw a lion.

2.    The thief was able to make his escape easily.

3.    I did nothing but gossip and waste time.

4.    He impressed me with his good behaviour.

5.    The magistrate and collector was present there.

6.    He was tired and fell asleep immediately.

7.    We shall go out as soon as you are ready.

8.    She said she would go on knitting as long as she was sitting on the chair.

9.    He died after he had been III a long time.

10.  He was killed in the last war.

11.  The baby is crying because it is hungry now.

12.  When I went out in the morning, my little sister was sleeping.

13.  I have been waiting here for my friend since 5 o'clock.

14.  If you would have gone there, you would have met him.

15.  I have seen the Taj Mahal and know how beautiful it is.

16.  The boy jumped of the bus while it moved.

17.  I have not seen him since yesterday.

18.  It is time we return home.

19.  He will not meet me if he comes tomorrow.

20.  As I waited in the hall, the head master came to me and asked me in a gentle voice, 'Now Raju, how is your mother?'

21. The article stated that he could read at the age of three.

22. You might take a sweater in case it gets cold.

23. It's going to rain all afternoon. Should we go to the cinema?

24. Scott would be 21 at the end of the month.

25. Julie said the traffic was heavy, so she would be late for the meeting.

26. Not only he but his father was also present.

27. You can even see the clouds in the sky.

28. Do not go till he comes.

29. As he is ill, he cannot come.

30. You have opposed me, therefore I cannot help you.

31. She asked Raja whether he could tell where Sumit was working then.

32. The teacher ordered the boys to go home.

33. The maid admitted that she had broken the cups.

34. He asked if he would call the doctor.

35. They inquired what the matter was.

36. I was so absorbed in my book that I did not notice the time.

37. He was very ashamed of his rude behaviour.

38. She is distantly related to my wife.

39. One soon becomes weary of the winter.

40. He is a bad student, he never seems really interested in his work.

41. Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He must be exhausted after such a long flight.

42. The book is optional. My professor said we could read it if we needed extra credit. But we don't have to read it if we don't want to.

43. Susan couldn't hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so loudly.

44. The television isn't working. It must have been damaged during the move.

45. Kate: Can you hold your breath for more than a minute? Jack: No, I can't.

46. In passive voice, the sentence can be formed basing on prepositional verbs as 'The door was being knocked at?

47. The sentence can be formed correctly in passive voice which is in future perfect tense as 'When will have your work been completed by you?'

48. In passive voice, the sentence can be formed as 'When will the thief have been caught by the police?'

49. The sentence can be formed in passive voice which is in future perfect tense as The letter will have been given to courier agency by him.'

50. Basing on the rule, the sentence can be formed correctly in passive voice which is in future perfect tense as 'Clothes will not have been changed by him before my arrival'

My (51) name is Sartaj. This is my (52) friend Natraj. He's 12. His (53) sister is nine. Their (54) pet is a budgie. His name is Bonny. Natraj and I go to the same school. There are 450 boys and girls in our (55) school. Natraj goes for tuition to Mrs. Biswas. She has got a pet, too. Her (56) pet is a tortoise. Our class teacher is Mr. Shastri. I like his (57) lessons. He has two dogs. The dogs love to play in his (58) garden. Sometimes, I go to my (59) cousin's house and play with his pet. Now I have a question for you. What's your (60) pet?

61.  (d) proficient in literary art

62.  (b) to take revenge

63. (b) expresses his feelings openly

64. (c) a day memorable for some joyful event

65. (a) punished for other's misdeeds

66. (3) There are two possibilities in future. Hence, the first possible event should be expressed in Simple Present. Therefore, replace 'if I have recovered' by' if I recover'.

67. (2) In Indirect statement, if the Reporting Verb is in the Past Tense then the Verb in the Reported Speech will also be in Past Tense. Hence, 'that the taxes would be....' will be the correct usage.

68. (3) It is improper to use article 'the'. There is discussion of only one person and no two articles are needed.

69. (4) When we use 'Neither... nor' the verb agrees with the number/ person of the noun / pronoun used after 'nor'. Hence, 'knowledge was required ...' will be the correct usage.

70. (3) Here, the Reporting Verb is in Past Tense. Hence, replace 'rains and thunderstorm may' by 'rains and thunderstorm might'.    




  • Subjects and verbs must agree with one another in number (singular or plural).
  • If a subject is singular, its verb must also be singular; if a subject is plural, its verb must also be plural.
  • Tense is the change of form in a verb to express the time of an action.
  • Indirect narration states the statement of a person, which we analyse or interpret in our own words.
  • A preposition is used before a noun or pronoun.    




  • Problems related to subject-verb agreement are normally found with the usage of associated subjects like - is, re, m, was, were, do, does, have, has, etc. or with main subject in Present Indefinite Tense.
  • Verbs are divided into two main classes - Principal and Auxiliary.
  • Conjunctions are of two kinds: Coordinating and Subordinating.
  • Two types of narration are: Direct and Indirect.
  • There are two voices: Active and Passive.        





  • To check your correctness, questions are prepared with wrongly, such as - are or am in place of is, does in place of do, has in place of have, etc.
  • A conjunction joins together sentences and sometimes words.
  • Direct narration states the statement of person, exactly the same, spoken by him or her.
  • A preposition is a word placed before a noun or a noun-equivalent.      


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