10th Class


Category : 10th Class

*         Preposition


Introduction: A Preposition is a word placed before a noun or a noun-equivalent to show its relation to some other word in the sentence.  



(i)   Put it on the table.

(ii)  She came to me.

Let us take two more examples.      

(i)   There is a basket under the chair.

(ii) There is a bucket in the corner of the room.

In example (i), 'under' is a Preposition, which is before the Definite Noun 'chair' and helps in establishing relationship between 'basket' and 'chair'. Similarly, in example (ii), 'of' is a Preposition which is placed before the Definite Noun 'room' and helps in establishing relationship between 'bucket' and 'room'. Generally, a Preposition is used before a Noun or Pronoun. But, sometimes, a Preposition is not used before a Noun or Pronoun.  



(i)   Who was she talking to?

(ii)  This is the bungalow he lives In.

(iii) This is the man whom I lent some money to.  


*            Classification of Prepositions  

1.       Preposition of Direction

Such as - to, towards, for, along, against, across, up, down, into, etc.  

2.       Prepositions of Place / Position

Such as - at, in, on, above, below, over, under, between, among, amongst, amid, amidst, before, behind, etc.

3.       Prepositions of Time

Such as - at, on, for, since, before, after, within, in till, by, during, from, etc.  

4.       Some Other Prepositions

Such as - about, off, of      


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