10th Class

Statement - Courses of Action

Category : 10th Class


Statement-Courses of Action



Evaluating courses of action is a major area of logical reasoning. This type of questions is intended to scrutinize the decision-making skills of the candidate.



Problem Solution Relation

In this type of pattern, the suggested course of action can be followed if.

  1. It solves/ reduces or minimize the problem
  2. The solution or course of action is practically possible.

A suggested course of actions can be said to solve/ reduce, minimize/ the problem.


            (a) It is an established fact:

i.e., It is acknowledged universally as a fact. It is an established fact that accidents can be minimized if the motorists follow traffic rules.


Example: 1

Statement: Accidents are increasing in the state of Kerala.

Valid Course of Action: An awareness campaign conducted to make people aware of the importance of traffic rules.

            (b) Experiences says so:

If previous experience predict that the particular course of action will minimize the problems, then it can be followed.


            (c) Logically it is right:

If the problem given is a new one and hardly any experience can be attached to it, check whether the course of action is logically right.


Example: 2

            Statement: Reports say that the government jobs in rural areas are lying vacant.

            Course of Action: People working in rural areas should be given more incentives.

This course of action is logically right. If incentives are given, people are motivated and hence they will go to rural      areas. Now, the practicality test. A suggested course of action may indeed solve a problem but in practical life it may not be advisable or possible. If it is so, then the course of action is rejected.


Example: 3

            Statement: Accidents are increasing in our state.

            Course of action: The production of vehicles should be banned

            Though the above course of action minimizes the problem, it is practically impossible.      



Fact - Improvement Relation                                          

This pattern is solved just by applying the same rules of Type I. First we have to identify whether the fact or situation will improve due to the course of action mentioned. Second thing to do is to check whether the, course of action is practically possible.                                


Important Tips

We should never allow our personal perceptions to come into play while evaluating the suggested courses of action. We should always give importance to the way public departments and systems functions and we should accept them even if don’t trust them. Our decision and views should be impartial and impersonal.

In most of the cases, a situation has more than one courses of action. But they are never exclusive of each other. So our answer “both follow” and not either of them follow”.





  1. Statement: Rapid growth of urban population has led to a severe shortage of living space resulting in a drop in living conditions.

Courses of Action: I. The Government should analyse the situation then work to end or minimise the problems.

  1. All village to town migrations should be stopped.

III. The Government should demolish the five star hotels and build peoples cottages there.

(a) Only I follows              (b) Only III follows

(c) I & III follow                   (d) I & II follow

(e) All follow

Ans.     (a)

            Explanation: S is a positive step towards the solution of the problem III is rather harsh and undemocratic.

            II too is an extreme action. Both II & ill would violate the Fundamental Rights of the Indian Constitution.




As soon as summer has begun, complaints of water shortage have started pouring from all parts of the city.

Courses of Action:      

I. Water tankers should be made available by the water-board.

II. The water-board should claim that they have the problem under control.

III. Water-board should convince the people that there is no scarcity of water.


(a) Only III follows                      (b) Only I follows

(c) Either I or III follow             (d) Only II follows

(e) Only I and II follow.

Ans.     (b)

            Explanation: Clearly, water tankers should be made available by the water-board.

It is the correct step towards the solution of the problem. Thus I follows. The false claim that the problem is under control may create other problems. So li does not follow. If people are suffering scarcity of water then water-board cannot convince them that there is no scarcity of water. So III does not follow.




False currency is being supplied to India through buses that play between India and Pakistan.

Courses of Action:      

I. The Government should stop the bus service.

II. Indian police should check the bus properly and keep proper vigilance in the bus.



(a) only course of action I follows             

(b) only course of action II follows

(c) either course of action I or II follows     

(d) both courses of action I and II follow

(e) neither courses of action I nor II follow,                                     

Ans.     (b)                                                  

Explanation: Stopping bus service is not correct solution as it will affect the relationship between India and Pakistan. So, I does not follow. II follows as it is the correct solution towards the problem.                                       




Travelling on road in metres might become a nightmare due to urban congestion.                                                 

Courses of Action:      

I. One of the ways of reducing urban congestion should be making car purchase very expensive.                                      II. Encroachments along roadsides should be demolished.          


(a) only course of action I follows                                              

(b) only course of action II follows                                              

(c) either course of action I or II follows                                          

(d) both courses of action I and II follow                                       

(e) neither courses of action I nor II follow                                     

Ans.     (d)                                                            

Explanation: Making car purchase very expensive will help in reducing traffic on road. So, I follow, demolishing encroachments along road sides will clear the road. So II also follows.


Statement: The nuclear power cannot make a country secure.                

Courses of Action:      

I. We must stop further expenses on increasing our nuclear power,

II. We must destroy our nuclear capability.

III. We must concentrate on improving our diplomatic relations.   



(a) only course of action I follows             

(b) only course of action II follows

(c) only course of action III follows                                                 

(d) none follow

(e) all follow

Ans.     (c)

Explanation: The statement asserts that increasing defensive power does not ensure the safety of a country. It is equally important to maintain good relations with other countries as well. But this does not imply the country should stop concentrating on increasing defensive power or destroy existing power. Thus only III follows,            



Snap Test




Passengers travelling by the Indian Railways face a lot of hardships and inconveniences.

Courses of Action:      

I. Efforts should be made to stop overcrowding in trains.

II. Facilities for safe and pure drinking water in trains should be provided,

III. The railway stations and platforms should be made more clean and hygienic.



(a) I & II follow               (b) II & III follow

(c) I & III follow              (d) All follow

(e) None of these

Ans.     (d)

Explanation:    All recommendations would be positive steps towards a solution of the problem i.e. hardships and inconvenience to passengers. Hence all follow.



Statement: Although advancement in medical science has raised life expectancy, the rate of child mortality remains high in India.

Courses of Action:      

I. Efforts should be made to lower life expectancy.

II. Medical scientists should be asked to give up their jobs.

III. Efforts should be made to decrease the rate of child mortality.


(a) I & II follow              (b) II & III follow

(c) I & III follow              (d) Only I follows           

(e) Only III follows

Ans.     (e)

Explanation:    I is an absurd suggestion. II is an extreme action not required in the present circumstances. Ill is indisputably a proper course of action.



Statement: The Central bureau of Investigation receives the complaint of an officer taking bribe to do the duty he is supposed to.

Courses of Action:      

I. CBI should try to catch the officer taking bribe red-handed and then take a strict action against him

II. CBI should wait for some more complaints about the officer to be sure about the matter.


(a) only I follows                         (b) only II follows

(c) either I or II follows     (d) neither I nor II follows

(e) both I and II follow

Ans.     (a)

Explanation: One complaint is enough for a wrong doing. This should be confirmed by catching the guilty red handed and strict action should be taken against him. So only course I follows.



Statement: The librarian finds some case in which the pages from certain boo; issued from the library, are torn.

Courses of Action:      

I. The Librarian should keep a record of books issued to each student and if the pages are found torn, strict measures should be taken again the child who had been issued that book.

II. Some funds should be collected from the children collectively to renovate the library.


(a) only I follows                   (b) only II follows

(c) either I or II follows     (d) neither I nor II follows

(e)  both I and II follow

Ans.     (a)

Explanation: Clearly, Precaution should be taken to catch the guilty person and punish him for the act. This alone will help curb the wrong practice. So only course

            I will follow.                                                                 




In spite of the Principal's repeated warnings a child was caught exploding cracker secretly in the school.                         

Courses of Action:

I. All the crackers should be taken away from the child and he should be threatened not to do it again.                                

II. The child should be severely punished for his wrong act.           


(a) only I follows                         (b) only II follows                      

(c) either I or If follows            (d) neither I nor II follows              

(e) both I and II follow                                                        

Ans.     (b)                                                          

Explanation: Since the act has been repeated despite various warnings, course I would only be another warning and would not help. Severe punishment to set example to him and others is inevitable. Thus II follows. 












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