10th Class

The Age Of Industrialisation - Important Terms And Concepts

Category : 10th Class


The Age of Industrialisation




  1. Innovation. Newly produced or introduced; a novelty.


  1. Guild. An association of craftsmen or merchants following same craft to protect the members interest and supervise the standard of the work.


  1. Stapler. A person who staples or sorts wool according to its fibre.


  1. Fuller. A person who fulls- gathers cloth by pleating.


  1. Carding. A process of preparing fibres such as cotton or wool, prior to spinning.


  1. Efficacy. Effectiveness; power to produce a certain effect.


  1. Mill. Building fitted with machinery for manufacturing processes/factory.


  1. Tanning. Convert raw hide into leather by soaking in liquid containing tannic acid.


  1. Food processing. Technique of chopping and mixing food for making jam, juices, etc.


  1. Victorian Britain. Britain during the reign of Queen Victoria.


  1. Vagrant. A person without a settled home or regular work.


  1. Brewery. A place where beer Etc., is brewed commercially (Brewing is a process of infusion, boiling and fermentation)


  1. Night Refuge. Night shelter for homeless people.


  1. Company officials. Officials of the East India Company.


  1. Bourgeoise. The upper middle class.


  1. Monopoly. Exclusive right of trade in an article or good granted by some authority or licence authorising this.


  1. Gomastha. An Indian word meaning an agent, a middleman between the merchant and weavers.


  1. Sepoy. Indian soldier of the British army.



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