10th Class

The Making Of A Global World - Important Terms And Concepts

Category : 10th Class


The Making of a Global World




  1. Global (Worldwide). Involving all countries of the globe.


  1. Globalisation. Integrating economy of a country with the economies of other countries under condition of free flow of trade, capital and labour.


  1. Cowries. A Hindi word meaning sea shells. These are used in ancient world as a form of currency.


  1. Silk Route. Route taken by traders to carry silk cargos from China to the west.


  1. Spaghetti. A type of noodle popular in Italy.


  1. El Dorado. Imaginary land of great wealth. Fabled land of gold.


  1. Plantation. Estate for cultivation of cash crops like tea, coffee, cotton, tobacco, sugar cane, etc.


  1. Corn Laws. British laws which imposed restrictions on the import of Corn.


  1. Ecology. Study of organisms in relation to one another and to their surroundings.


  1. The Canal Colonies. The colonies/areas irrigated by new canals, where peasants from different parts of Punjab settled.


  1. rinderpest. Cattle Plague-a fast spreading disease among cattle.


  1. rastafaria. A Jamaican sect, the members of which regarded blacks as the chosen people.


  1. Chutney Music (popular music in Trinidad). Supposed to be the result of cultural fusion.


  1. Entrepreneur. One who undertakes commercial enterprise with chance of profit or loss. Starts enterprise by himself/herself at his/her own risk.


  1. Hosay. A riotous carnival in Trinidad when workers of all races and religions join to celebrate.


  1. Coolie. Unskilled native labourers. 'Indentured Indian labourers were often referred to as coolie' in Trinidad.


  1. Indigo. Deep violet-blue colour.


  1. Allies. Before the First World War Britain, France and Russia (later USA) formed an alliance and fought together in the First World War. Together they were known as the Allies.


  1. Central Powers. An alliance formed by Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy (later Turkey) - Fought together in the First World War.


  1. Axis Powers. Germany, Italy, Austria, Turkey were known as Axis Powers during the Second World War.


  1. IMF. International Monetary Fund.


  1. NIEO. New International Economic Order.


  1. Fixed Exchange Rate. The rate which is officially fixed by the government and does not vary with changes in demand and supply of foreign currency.


  1. Floating Exchange Rate. These rates fluctuate depending on demand and supply of foreign currency.


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