10th Class

The Nationalist Movement In Indo-China - Important Terms And Concepts

Category : 10th Class


The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China





  1. Indo-China. The region in South East Asia comprising three countries—Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.


  1. Maritime Silk Route. Sea route for trading silk. It also brought people new ideas.


  1. Forced Labour. Begar! Compelling people to work without remuneration.


  1. Colony. Conquered territory of an imperial country which is completely subjected to the interests of the another country—suffers complete political and economic domination.


  1. Indentured Labour. Contractual labourers of plantation without any specified rights.


  1. Civilising Mission. Mission or aim of civilising the colonial people by introducing modem education and ideas in the colonies. On the pretext of civilising, the imperial powers extended their control over colonies.


  1. Natives. Natural or local born inhabitants of the colony.


  1. Colon. French people of the colony. A French living in Vietnam.


  1. White-Collar jobs. Descriptive of workers mostly clerks who wear starched white collar.


  1. Bubonic Plague. a dangerous contagious disease characterised by inflamed swelling of groin, armpit and other joints. A dreadful pestilence supposedly caused by rat bites and unhygienic condition.


  1. Syncretic Tradition. Traditions and beliefs which aim to bring together unity and reconcile different beliefs and practices on the basis of this essential unity.


  1. Concentration Camps. Prisons specially built to detain people without due process of law. These are characterised by brutal torture and ruthless treatment of prisoners.


  1. Napalm or Agent Orange. A type of chemical weapon used by US against the Vietnamese.


  1. Domino Effect. Us believed that if Vietnam becomes a communist country it would have same effect on other neighbouring countries too and they would all become communist. The policy of Domino effect grew out of US fear for the spread of communism.


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