10th Class

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe - Important Terms And Concepts

Category : 10th Class


The Rise of Nationalism in Europe



  1. Nationalism. A sense of belonging to one nation. Feeling or pride and patriotism towards the country one belongs.
  2. Absolutist. Unrestricted, despotic and authoritarian often refers to a centralized repressive monarchical government.
  3. Utopian. An ideal situation, a vision too good to be realised in practice.
  4. Nation-state. A state having a common and contiguous boundary with inhabitants/people sharing common language, race and religion. Majority of its citizens develop a sense of common identity and share a common history ruled by a strong government.
  5. Plebiscite. A direct vote by which the people of a region, themselves decide to accept or reject a proposal.
  6. Sovereignty. Supreme power.
  7. Monarchy. Form of government headed by a monarch or a hereditary or dynastic ruler.
  8. The Estates General. Referred to the French parliament- an elected body which was renamed as the National Assembly after the Revolution of 1789.
  9. Civil Code. A systematic set of laws for the citizens.
  10. Habsburg Empire. The empire that ruled Austria-Hungary including the Alpine region of Tyrol, Austria, Sudetenland Bohemia. It also included Italian provinces of Lombardy and Venetia.
  11. Liberalism. Derived from the Latin word 'liber' meaning free. The idea of liberalism stands for freedom of individual and equality of all before law. Politically it refers to representative government.
  12. Suffrage. The right to vote.
  13. Elle. Elle was used to measure cloth, prevalent in German states.
  14. Zollverein. A customs union, formed in 1834 in Prussia to remove barriers of trade.
  15. Conservatism. A spirit or philosophy which believes in maintaining and preserving traditional values and institutions. It prefers gradual change to quick and drastic change.
  16. Carbonari. A secret society of Italy-consisting of young revolutionaries.
  17. Young Italy. A secret society founded by Mazzini at Marselles for organizing revolutionary activities.
  1. Romanticism. A cultural movement which aimed at developing a particular form of national sentiment and promote a feeling of collective heritage as the basis of nation.
  2. Das Volk. A German word meaning common people.
  3. Republic. A state where the head of the state is elected and does not hold a hereditary position.
  4. Feminist. People who advocate women's rights on the basis of equality of sexes.
  5. Ideology. System of ideas reflecting a particular social and political vision.
  6. Allegory. Symbol representing an abstract idea; an idea identified through a person or a thing.
  7. Balkan region. A region in Europe with geographical and ethnic variation. The region covers the states of modem day Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro. The inhabitants of the region are known as the Slavs.
  8. Jacobins. A French political group who contested election after the French Revolution.
  9. Junkers. Large landowners of Prussia.



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