7th Class

Dissolution of Solid

Category : 7th Class

*     Dissolution of Solid


In a dissolution process, two substances are required. One is called solvent and the other is solute. The substance, which dissolves in another substance, is called solute and the substance in which the solute dissolves, is called solvent. In this process the quantity of the solvent is greater than the solute. The dissolution of salt in water is dissolution of solid in liquid. The dissolution of salt in water is due to the attraction of positive and negative charges. Water is the chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen. Two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen forms a molecule of water.


Look at the following picture of dissolution of salt in water


The dissolution of sugar in water is also dissolution of solid in liquid. The solid can also be a solvent and its solutes are gas, liquid and solid. The dissolution of hydrogen in palladium is the dissolution of gas in liquid.





      When sugar is dissolved in water, sugar water solution is formed. Which one of the following is solute particles in the solution?

(a) Milk

(b) Sugar

(c) The mixture of milk and sugar

(d) All of these

(e) None of these


Answer: (b)



      Which one of the following is known us universal solvent?

(a) Methane

(b) Mercury

(c) Water

(d) All of these

(e) None of these


Answer: (c)


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