7th Class

Feeding and Digestion Process of a Grass (Plant) Eating Animal

Category : 7th Class

*       Feeding and Digestion process of a Grass (Plant) Eating Animal


Depending upon the food habit, animals are classified into three categories:

(i)   Herbivores

(ii)   Carnivores

(iii) Omnivores

The animals those who eat plants and plant's products only are known as herbivores. Animals that eat only flesh of other animals are called carnivores. And the animals that eat both plants and plant's products are called omnivores. Therefore, the grass eating animals come in the category of herbivores. Herbivores are also called primary consumer as they feed on plants and plant's products directly.

Look at the following picture of digestive system of a herbivores or grass eating animal:




These animals graze and take food through the mouth. In mouth food is mixed with saliva , secreted by the salivary glands. Teeth and tongue help in the process. This food is then transported from the mouth to the stomach, through esophagus. The largest part of the stomach is called rumen. Enzymes are secreted by the bacteria and protozoa in the rumen of the goat, for digestion. Fiber eaten by the goat is broken down into smaller substance in the rumen. It also helps to build proteins and all vitamin B needed by the goat. Undigested or partially digested food is then transported into the reticulum. Food is back transported from reticulum into the mouth for re chewing that is called chewing of cud. Vitamins are digested and absorbed by small intestine and the undigested food is expelled outside.





       Which one of the following organs covers largest area in the digestive system of a grass eating animal?

(a) Small intestine

(b) Large intestine

(c) Rumen

(d) All of these

(e) None of these


Answer: (c)


Rumen is the largest organ in the digestive system of the grass eating animal. Therefore, option (C) is correct and rest of the options is incorrect.



      Which one of the following parts in the digestive system of the grass eating animal transports the partially digested food back into the mouth for re-chewing?

(a) Reticulum

(b) Rumen

(c) Large intestine

(d) All of these

(e) None of these


Answer: (a)


Reticulum in the stomach of a grass eating animal transports partially digested food back into the mouth for re-chewing. Therefore, option (A) is correct and rest of the options is incorrect.


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