7th Class

Forests: A Natural Habitat

Category : 7th Class

*         Forest – A Natural Habitat


Forest is a natural habitat for animals and micro-organisms. Plants, animals and micro-organisms are dependent on each other in a complex way. Plants and organisms in forests are linked to each other by the process called food chain. In food chain, different plants and organisms are linked to each other by the process of eating and being eaten. The food chain is complex. One organism can be eaten by many other organisms and then each of these organisms can be eaten by many others. This creates a complicated mesh called food web. This complex interlinking indicates that if any one type of plant or animal disappears due to some reason from forest, then the survival of other types of organisms will be endangered.





      A dense growth of trees, together with other plants, covering a large area of land is called:

(a) Forest

(b) Environment

(c) Ocean

(d) All of these

(e) None of these


Answer: (a)



        Which One of the following statement is correct?

Statement 1: To maintain the environmental balance and to control pollution, deforestation or shrinking of forests should be controlled.

Statement 2: To maintain the environmental balance and to control pollution, deforestation or shrinking of forests should not be controlled.

(a) Statement 1

(b) Statement 2

(c) Both statements are correct

(d) Both statements are incorrect

(e) None of these


Answer: (a)




Forest is a dense growth of trees, together with other plants, covering a large area of land.

Only about 30% of the world is covered by forest today.

Forests are important for maintaining environmental balance.

Forests help in controlling rain and temperature.

Forests provide habitat to a number of living organisms..


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