7th Class

High Level Languages

Category : 7th Class

*        High Level Languages


High level programming language is an object oriented programming language. It is also an advanced computer programming language. FORTRAN, C, COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language), Prolog and PASCAL are some of the common examples of high level language. FORTRAN is mostly used for scientific calculation and COBOL is used for business purpose.


* Main features of high level language are the following: 

  • Helps in development of large programs faster.
  • Provides OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) features.
  • Provides string handling routines.
  • Provides file Input / Output also.


* High level languages are further divided into three parts. These are: 

  • OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) Language: C++ and Java are the examples of OOP language.
  • Procedural Language: FORTRAN, COBOL, PASCAL and ADA are the examples of procedural language.
  • Non-Procedural Language: SQL (Structured Query Language) and RPG (Report Program Generator) are the examples of non-procedural language.





 Computer instructions are written in a language called computer programming language. Which one of the following level languages is directly understood by microprocessor?

(A) High level                                                                    

(B) Low level

(C) Middle level                                                               

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (b)


Correct Option:

(B) Low level languages: are directly understood by microprocessor because they are written in 0's and 1's form. There is no need to any translator.

Incorrect Options:

(A) High Level languages: require translators, such as interpreter to converts high level language to machine level language. This machine code is understood by microprocessor.

(C) Middle Level languages: also require translators, such as interpreter and compiler to converts machine level language. This machine code is understood by microprocessor.



 OOP language is based on class and object terminology. Which one of the following level languages provides OOP features?

(A) High level                                                    

(B) Low level

(C) Middle level                                               

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (a)


Correct Option:

(A) High level languages: such as C++ provides OOP features.

Incorrect Options:

(B) Low level languages: do not provide OOP features.

(C) Middle level languages: do not provide OOP features.



 High Level Programming language is a type of advanced computer programming language, ...................is an example of high level language.  

(A) Prolog                                                          

(B) Machine language

(C) Assembly language                                 

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (a)


Correct Option:

(A) Prolog is an example of high level language.

Incorrect Options:

(B) Machine language is an example of low level language.

(C) Assembly language is an example of low level language.



You Know.jpg

  • An algorithm is a group of logical instruction that generates the output according to given input.
  • Only a single flow line comes out from starting process and enters single flow line in stop process.
  • FORTRAN is mostly used for scientific calculation and COBOL is used for business purpose.




  • First Generation (IGL): is a machine language. This language is directly processed by microprocessor.
  • Second Generation (2GL): is assembly language. This language is not direct! Processed by microprocessor.




  • Computer programs are set of instructions that enable a computer to interact with the user, peripherals and information.
  • Flowchart is a technique that allows you to represent computer program graphically.
  • A type of programming language that provides little or no abstraction from computer microprocessor is known as low level language.
  • High level programming language is an object oriented programming language.



*  Abbreviations

COBOL                  -              Common Business-Oriented Language

OOP                       -              Object Oriented Language


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