7th Class

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Category : 7th Class

*  Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)


HTTP is the most important protocol used in WWW. It is a protocol that allows transferring the information on the World Wide Web between clients and servers. The main purpose of the HTTP is publishing and retrieving of the Web pages. The latest version of HTTP is HTTP/I.I. The original version of HTTP is HTTP 1.0. The main feature of HTTP 1.0 is that it uses a separate connection to the same server for every document.    


* Web Servers

A web server is a computer application that delivers web pages using HTTP over the World Wide Web. Basically it is responsible for accepting HTTP requests from clients or web browser. It also processes the requests send by the client and then sends the HTTP response back to the client.    


*  Hyperlink

Hyperlink allows linking another place in the same document or another document. It also allows to link with the World Wide Web. A user just needs to click on hyperlink to go for relevant destination.      


*  Hypertext

Hypertext is a kind of text that contains the reference of other text that exists in the same or other electronic document or the World Wide Web. A reader can immediately access the relevant information by just clicking or pressing the key on hypertext.    


*  Working with the CD-Player

Now a day CD players are easily available in number of varieties and users are more confused about it. A CD player which you have opted for, contains basically three main features- a tracking device, derive motor, laser and a lens system. Basically derive motor needs pace not more than 200 rpm, but some time it needs approx 500 rpm also. Whereas the tracking device adjust the laser assembly and thus makes it possible for laser and lens system to work in a proper manner for the data which is stored on the CD (Compact Disk).    



You Know.jpg 

  • Web Page is one of the graphical parts of the internet.
  • HTTP is the most important protocol used in WWW.
  • Hyperlink allows linking another place in the same document or another document.
  • Web Server: Is a computer application that delivers web pages using HTTP over the World Wide Web.
  • Hypertext: Is a kind of text that contains the reference of other text that exists in the same or other electronic document or World Wide Web.
  • Multimedia is a technology which presents the simple text information in an innovative way.
  • HTTP is a protocol that allows transferring the information on the World Wide Web between clients and servers.    




  • A reader can immediately access the relevant information by just clicking or pressing the key on hypertext.
  • Email (Electronic mail) is a digital correspondence that provides the facility to send and receive text messages, picture files and any other file to and from anyone with an email address.  



*  Abbreviations

HTTP          -          Hypertext Transfer Protocol

WWW       -          World Wide Web         

CERN         -          Consiel European pour la Research Nuclear


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