7th Class

Inserting an Image using Clipart

Category : 7th Class

*     Inserting an Image using Clipart


MS Word enables you to insert image or shape in a document. Clipart is a library that provides number of picture. You can directly insert those images in your document.  


* To insert an image: 

  • Locate the cursor where you want to insert an image.
  • Go to the menu bar and select Insert  Picture  Clipart to open the ClipArt, as shown in the following figure:
  • Select the appropriate picture and right-click it.
  • Click the Insert option to insert the selected picture.        





 Font list is available on the ......................

(A) Toolbar    

(B) Formatting toolbar

(C) Menu bar

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (b)


Correct Option:

(B) Font list is available on the formatting tool bar.

Incorrect Options:

Therefore, option (B) is correct and rest of the options is incorrect.    



 The Word Count Dialog box displays all information related to document. MS Word allows you to count ...........

(A) Number of pages                                    

(B) Character (no space)

(C) Character (space)                                    

(D) All of these

(E) None of these  


Answer: (d)


Correct Option:

(D) MS Word allows you to count number of pages, words, character (no space), character (space), paragraph and lines in a document

Incorrect Options:

Therefore, option (D) is correct and rest of the options is incorrect.  



  ClipArt is a library that provides number of picture. Which one of the following is the correct step to open clipart?

(A) Insert  Clip Art                                      

(B) Insert  Picture  ClipArt

(C) Tools  Picture  Clip Art                  

(D) Tools  Clip Art

(E) None of these  


Answer: (b)


Correct Option:

(B) Insert Picture  Clipart allows you to open clipart.

Incorrect Options:

Therefore, option (B) is correct and rest of the options is incorrect.    



You Know.jpg 

  • Windows platform of Word was released in 1989.
  • Word 2007 uses a new file format called docx.
  • Word 2010 is the latest version of MS Word.    




  • Clipart: Is a library that provides number of picture.
  • Rulers: Word enables two types of ruler including horizontal and vertical.
  • Insertion point: Is a blinking vertical bar that is positioned in the text area.      




  • Microsoft Word is a popular word processor that allows the user to create more accurate, concise and correct documents.
  • Word enables the Save or Save As commands that allow saving a document.
  • Word enables you to remove a particular text or blocks of text from the document.
  • MS Word enables paragraph formatting that includes text alignment, setting margins and line spacing.
  • The spelling and grammar checker can be executed to check the spellings and grammarian the whole document. While applying formatting it affects the entire paragraph even if a single word is selected or the insertion point is placed in the paragraph.


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