7th Class

Introduction to UNIX

Category : 7th Class

*    Introduction to UNIX


UNIX is one of the time sharing operating systems primarily intended for program development and document-preparation environment. The first version of UNIX was written by Ten Thompson, later joined by Dennis Ritchie. It was a single user system written for the PDP-7 computer written in assembly language. Several specialized versions of UNIX, such as the programmer's Workbench, UNIX/ PWB and Writer's Workbench, UNIX/WWB are also available.  


*  Some of the major features of UNIX are the following:

  • Hierarchical file system.
  • Device Independence.
  • Multi-user operation.
  • Tools and tool-building utilities.
  • Probability.    



You Know.jpg 

  • In 1985 the first version of Windows was released in market.
  • iPod, iPhone, and iPad all are developed by Apple.
  • Steve Jobs established Apple in April 1976.  




  • Multiprocessing: It supports in running a program on multiple CPUs.
  • Multitasking: Generally it allows more than one program to run at the same time.
  • Multi-user: It allows more than one user to run the program at same fraction of time.
  • Multithreading: It permits all different modules of a single program to run at the same time.
  • Real-Time: Its responds to input immediately.  




  • The outermost layer of OS is called user interface and innermost layer is hardware. v  OS is a master control program.
  • UNIX is one of the time sharing operating systems.
  • An OS (Operating System) developed by Tim Peterson of Seattle Computers was refined for the first version of MS-DOS.
  • The first version of UNIX was written by Ten Thompson, later joined by Dennis Ritchie.
  • The latest version of MS-DOS available in market is 7.x.  


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