7th Class


Category : 7th Class

* Introduction



Analogy means a resemblance of relations; an agreement or likeness between things in some circumstances or effects, when the things are otherwise entirely different. For example, in the sentence 'Learning enlightens the mind', learning is to the mind what light is to the eye, enabling it to discover what was unraveled earlier.  



*  Look at the following analogies:  


* Quantity and Unit

1. Mass : kilogram                                                                                           

2. Force:  Newton

3. Energy : Joule

4. Resistance : Ohm                       

5. Volume :Litre

6. Angle : Radians

7. Power: Watt

8.  Potential: Volt

9. Work: Joule

10. Time : Second

11. Current: Ampere

12. Luminosity : Candela

13. Pressure : Pascal                                

14. Area : Hectare                             

15. Temperature : Degrees.                 

16. Conductivity: Mho                             

17. Magnetic field : Oersted                                   

18. Length : Metre  



* Individual and Group

1. Cattle : Herd       

2. Flowers: Bouquet     

3. Grapes : Bunch

4. Singer: Chorus

5. Artist: Troupe     

6. Fish : Shoal                

7.   Sheep: Flock                       

8.   Riders : Cavalcade                             

9.  Bees : Swarm                             

10. Man : Crowd                               

11. Soldiers: Army                     

12. Nomads : Horde

13. Sailors : Crew



* Male and Female

1. Dog : Bitch                     

2. Stag : Doe

3. Son : Daughter

4. Lion : Lioness

5. Sorcerer: Sorceress

6. Drone: Bee                                       

7. Gentleman : Lady                             

8. Nephew : Niece                                 

9. Tiger : Tigress                    

10. Horse : Mare  



* Individual and Class

1. Man: Mammal        

2. Ostrich : Bird    

3. Snake : Reptile

4. Butterfly: Insect

5. Whale: Mammal                                  

6. Rat: Rodent                             

7. Lizard : Reptile         



* Study and Topic

1. Seismology : Earthquakes       

2. Botany : Plants         

3. Onomatology : Names          

4. Ethnology : Human Races         

5. Ontology : Reality

6. Herpetology:Amphibians

7.  Pathology : Diseases

8. Astrology: Future

9. Anthropology:Man

10. Paleography : Writing

11. Ichthyology : Fishes

12. Semantics : Language

13. Nephrology: Kidney

14. Conchology : Skull

15. Haematology : Blood

16. Craniology : Skul

17. Mycology : Fungi

18. Entomology : Insects

19. Zoology : Animals              

20. Occultism : Supernatural       

21. Oclogy : Egg                        

22. Virology : Viruses         

23. Malacology :Molluscs                 

24. Paleontology : Fossils                        

25. Pedology : Soil                     

26. Taxonomy : Classification              

27. Orography : Mountains                 

28. Selenography: Moon              

29. Eccrinology : Secretions                 

30. Histology : Tissues                     

31. Nidology : Nests               

32. Cardiology : Heart l                      

33. Phycology : Algae                       

34. Bryology : Bryophytes

35. Ornithology : Birds  



* Part and Whole Relationship

1. Pencil : Lead                 

2. House : Kitchen

3. Fan : Blade

4. Class : Member

5. Room : Window                            

6. Aeroplane : Cockpit                    

7. Book: Chapter                            

8. Pen : Nib  



* Word and Intensity

1. Wish : Desire               

2. Kindle : Burn

3. Sink : Drown

4. Quarrel : War

5. Error : Blunder

6. Anger : Rage

7.  Famous : Renowned                 

8.   Unhappy : Sad                                  

9.   Refuse : Deny                                

10. Crime : Sin                              

11. Moist: Drench   




1.  Moon : Satellite :: Earth : Planet

2.  Muslims : Mosque :: Sikhs : Gurudwara

3.  Flower; Bud :: Plant: Seed

4.  Melt: Liquid :: Freeze : Ice

5.  Eye : Myopia :: Teeth : Pyorrhoea

6.  Gun : Bullet:: Chimney : smoke

7.  Cub : Lion : : colt: stallion

8. Fruit: Banana :: Mammal : cow

9. Rupee : India : : Yen : Japan

10.   Court: justice :: school; education  



* Profession

1. Farmer : Field                               

2. Warrior: Battlefield

3.  Engineer: Site

4. Sailor : Ship

5.  Pilot: Cockpit

6. Beautician :Parlour

8. Actor: Stage

9. Doctor: Hospital

10. Lawyer:Court

11. Scientist: Laboratory

12. Teacher:  School                     

13. Doctor: Hospital                              

14. Clerk : Office                                    

15. Servant: House                                

16. Driver: Cabin                     

17. Grocer : Shop

7. Artist: Theatre                             

18. Painter: Gallery                                   

19. Waiter: Restaurant                           

20. Worker: Factory                              

21. Umpire : Pitch                

22. Gambler: Casino  



*  Dwelling Place

1. Bee : Apiary                                    

2. Cattle : Shed

3. Lion : Den                                      

4. Poultry : Farm

5. Horse : Stable                              

6.   Pig : Sty  



* Quality

1. Farmer : Crop

2. Hunter : Prey            

3. Carpenter: Furniture                     

4. Author: Book

5. Goldsmith : Ornaments

6. Butcher: Meat

7. Cobbler: Shoes

8.  Poet : Poem                                  

9.   Dramatist : Play                 

10.  Architect : Design                                

11. Chef : Food            

12. Producer: Film                              

13. Choreographer: Ballet   



* Animals and Young Ones

1. Horse : Pony                 

2. Hen: Chicken

3. Sheep: Lamb                                

4. Butterfly : Caterpillar

5. Insect: Larva                                 

6. Dog: Puppy  



* Function

1. Shield : Guard

2. Sword :Slaughter           

3. Mattock: Dig                   

4. Filter: Purify

5. Steering : Drive

6. Pen : Write

7. Spanner: Grip

8. Spoon: Feed                         

9. Microscope: Magnify                                

10. Spade: Dig                                   

11. Shovel: Scoop                            

12. Chisel : Carve                                     

13. Oar: Row   


* Warriors and Tools

1. Carpenter: Saw                           

2. Woodcutter: Axe

3. Tailor: Needle                              

4. Labourer: Spade

5. Soldier: Gun                                  

6. Sculptor: Chisel

7. Mason :Plumbline                      

8. Chef: Knife  



* Buildings/Monuments and Location

1. TajMahal : Agra              

2. Red Fort: Delhi              

3. Qutab Minar: Delhi

4. Shantiniketan : Kolkata

5. India Gate : Delhi

6. Gate way of India : Mumbai

7. Taj Hotel: Mumbai

8. JamaMasjid : Delhi                          

9. Char Minar: Hyderabad                     

10. Agra Fort : Agra             

11. GolGhar: Patna

12. Eiffel Tower: Rome   

13. White House : Washington DC

14. Rashtrapati Bhawan : New Delhi  



*  Final Products and Raw Materials

1. Butter: Milk                                  

2. Jaggery : Sugarcane

3. Omelette : Egg 

4. Wine : Grapes

5. Furniture: Wood

6. Shoes : Leather 

7. Pullover: Wool

8. Metal: Ore

9. Rubber: Latex                    

10. Prism : Glass                            

11. Fabric : yarn                               

12. Cloth :Fibre                          

13. Road : Asphalt                           

14. Book : Paper                              

15. Sack-.Jute                                     

16. Wall : Brick  





Glove is to hand as monitor is to _______________ .

(A) Computer                                                   


(C) Printer                                                          

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (A)  



Surfs are to a king as earth is to the _______________.

(A) Life                                                                

(B) Sun

(C) Universe                                     

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (B)                


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