7th Class

Types of Sentence as per Structure

Category : 7th Class

*    Types of Sentence as per Structure


*       Simple Sentences

A simple sentence has one main clause. It means it has one subject and one verb. In addition, a simple sentence can have adjectives and adverbs. A simple sentence can't have another main clause or any subordinate clause.





  •  Man is mortal.
  •  Delhi is a beautiful city.
  •  I read in seventh class.
  •  The teacher teaches us.
  •  He reprimands me.


*      Compound Sentences

A compound sentence has two or more main clauses. The clauses can be joined with a coordinating conjunction (e.g. for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) or a semicolon (;). As with a simple sentence, a compound sentence can't have any subordinate clause.





  •  Serena loves to watch movie but William does not.
  •  USA proposed the name of India and the others supported her.
  •  He is neither a good man nor a bad man.
  •  Either you or someone else will go.
  •  He committed mistakes yet I supported him.
  •  As you sow so you reap.


*      Complex Sentences

A complex sentence contains one main clause and at least one subordinate clause.





  • Parallel lines never meet (main) until (subordinating conjunction) you bend one of them (subordinate clause).
  • Steve promised (main clause) that he would attend the party (subordinate clause).
  • You can continue with you work (main clause) as long as you want (subordinate clause).
  • Do not go from here (main clause) until 1 return (subordinate clause)?

If you concentrate on your goal (subordinate clause) you will achieve it one day (main clause).






Identify the kinds of sentence in the following questions:


Steve sat on the chair.

(A) Simple                                                          

(B) Compound

(C) Complex                                                      

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (A)

Explanation: A simple sentence has one main clause.



Even though he enjoyed the movie, he would not go to watch it again because he watches a movie only once?

(A) Simple                                                          

(B) Compound

(C) Complex                                                      

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (c)

Explanation: A complex sentence contains one main clause and at least one subordinate clause.





  • A group of words which makes complete sense is called Sentence.
  • The words in a sentence are placed in their proper order to make complete sense.            
  • Five types of sentences are Assertive, Interrogative, Imperative, Optative and Exclamatory.
  • There are three types of sentences based on structure. They are Simple, Compound and Complex.
  • A question begins with either a Helping Verb (is, am, are, was, were, has, have, had, do, does, did, can, will, shall, may, etc.) or a Question word (What, where, how, when, whom, which, why, etc.).
  • A Question ends with a Question Mark (?)
  • Exclamation sign is put at the end of Exclamatory Sentence.


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