
A Journey by Bus

Category : Essays

Introduction. It was a fine day. I decided to spend the evening at Connaught place. I got ten rupees from my father I left my house at 6 P.M. to catch the bus for Odeon.

An incident inside the bus. I stood in queue and waited anxiously for my turn in vain. I joined those who were struggling on the door of the bus- with a great difficulty I also got my enhance too into the bus. I got a seal. Hardly had I sat on my .seat when I say a very old man, lie was standing near me. He looked very sad, I looked at him. I got up out of respect- I offered my seat (o him. But lo my great surprise, a fashionable young lady rushed towards the seal. She pressed herself into the seal. The poor old man looked at her helplessly- He had to keep standing. The lady felt no shame. She kept on looking at the poor old shamelessly. I fell very angry al her behavior.

Passengers in the bus. The passengers inside the bus were talking loudly. Seine was talking about politics. Some were talking of soaring prices. Others were discussing their personal problem. The family quarrels were the subjects of their talk. I was looking outside thinking about the sad incident.

Scene at the next bus slop. The Journey was not long. It was quite short. By now our bus reached Pant Hospital, Here many people got down, many others boarded the bus. As usual the bus moved on. An old lady began to feel giddy. She requested .I young men to provide her his seat. The proud young man refused flatly. This was very bad. We should show respect to ladies. Young ladies   also should oiler their scats to old and sick persons.

Conductor’s dishonesty. At the Ameri gate three passengers got down.  They paid the Care. The conductor did not issue tickets to them, I got a chance. I said to the conductor, "Mr. Conductor, you did not issue tickets to the passengers. You are dishonest." With these words I pulled the chain. The bus stopped. I asked the conductor to (ear the three tickets. The conductor was perplexed. Some other passengers called him a thief. I rebuked him. The dishonest conductor frit ashmed for his dishonest act. He tore three tickets and threw them out. Again the bus started.

The destination. The bus was now running in New Delhi. My destination was quite near. At Minto Road the driver applied the brakes suddenly. He saved a cyclist. All the passengers got a jolt. My head struck against a lady's. She cursed me. I kept silent. I got down at Odeon


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