
The Joint Family System

Category : Essays

The joint family system is the traditional family system of India. This family system has been prevalent in India since ancient times. Under this system the entire family - grandparents (paternal) and their mate children with their families stay under a single roof. Each member of the family shares the household chores, thus the work is divided and the burden of the work is lessened. 

The joint family system not only lessens the burden of housework, it is also a safety net when financial difficulties, accidents or calamities arise. The family, as a single unit shares the load together till the storm of the financial difficulties gets over. During times of difficulties, the family provides strong emotional support as it is always there to give patient hearing to the problems of all members. It does not matter whether these problems are significant or not—the important part is that all problems are heard out and advice, whenever necessary, is dispensed with, a warm heart.

People today no longer prefer to live in the joint family system. Smaller family units provide the freedom to live life as one pleases and the privacy is achieved—both of which cannot be possible under the joint family system. In today's world, people want to live life on their own terms. Women, especially, have realized that life is not all about keeping everyone happy, living to the satisfaction of others without caring about one's own comfort. Education has brought about an awareness, women today are not merely housewives, they go out into the world to earn a living. They do not spend much time inside the house and thus the household chores are neglected. But in a single family unit, it is easier to tailor one's chores to suit one's needs and adjust the chores around the free time available. In single family units, men also chip in to help in daily chores. Many married men have come to realize that in d single family unit, with both people working, it is necessary to lend a helping hand to their wives. This would not have been possible in the joint family system.

However, with changing times, people have come to realize that the grandparents can be of great help in single family units. Selfish though this motive may seem, grandparents can be of help when both parents are away at work—taking rare of children, bringing them back from school, seeing to their homework, being around when the maid comes in as well as the valuable advice which they can give can be of immense help, as they have greater experience in life.

With most families going the nuclear way, grandparents, in-laws, do stay along with the family as a single unit. The joint family system binds the members of the family in love and affection and teaches us to be tolerant towards other people's mistakes, by developing the attitude of sharing with and caring for others.


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