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The NAND gate is the building block of the digital electronics. All the logic gates like the OR, the AND and the NOT can be constructed from the NAND gates. (1) Construction of the 'NOT' gate from the 'NAND' gate (i) When both the inputs (A and B) of the NAND gate are joined together then it works as the NOT gate.     (ii) Truth table and logic symbol                 
Input Output
A = B Y
0 1
1 0
  (2) Construction of the 'AND' gate from the 'NAND' gate (i) When the output of the NAND gate is given to the input of the NOT gate (made from the NAND gate), then the resultant logic gate works as the AND gate     (ii) Truth table and logic symbol
A B Y' Y
0 0 more...
(1) The 'NAND' gate : From 'AND' and 'NOT' gate     Boolean expression and truth table : \[Y=\overline{A\cdot B}\]    
A B \[Y'=A\cdot B\] Y
0 0 0 1
0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 more...
(1) It has only one input and only one output. (2) Boolean expression is \[Y=\bar{A}\] and is read as 'y equals not A'     (3) Realization of NOT gate : The transistor is so biased that the collector voltage \[{{V}_{cc}}=V\] (Voltage corresponding to 1 state) The resistors R and \[{{R}_{1}}\] are so chosen that if the input is low i.e. O, the transistor is in the cut off and hence the voltage appearing at the output will be the same as applied V. Hence Y = V (or state 1) If the input is high, the transistor current is in saturation and the net voltage at the output Y is 0 (in state 0)   (4) Truth table for NOT gate :    
A \[Y=\bar{A}\]
0 1
1 0

(1) It has two inputs (A and B) and only one output (Y) (2) Boolean expression is \[Y=A\cdot B\] is read as "Y equals A AND B"     (3) Realization of AND gate (i) \[A=0,\,\,B=0\] The voltage supply through R is forward biasing diodes \[{{D}_{1}}\] and \[{{D}_{2}}\] (offers low resistance) the voltage V would drop across R The output voltage at Y = the voltage across diode = 0 (ii) A = 0, B = 1 \[{{D}_{1}}=\] conducts, \[{{D}_{2}}=\]Not Conducts the out voltage at Y= The voltage across the diode \[({{D}_{1}})=0\] (iii) A = 1, B = 0 \[{{D}_{1}}=\]Conducts, \[{{D}_{2}}=\]Not conducts the out voltage at Y= The voltage across the diode \[({{D}_{2}})=0\] (iv) A = 1, B = 1 None of the diode conducts the out voltage at Y= Battery voltage =1 (4) Truth table for 'AND' gate  
A B Y = A . B
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 more...
(1) It has two inputs (A and B) and only one output (Y) (2) Boolean expression is \[Y=A+B\] and is read as "Y equals A OR B"     (3) Realization of OR gate     (i) \[A=0,\,\,B=0\] Both diodes \[{{D}_{1}}\] and \[{{D}_{2}}\] do not conduct and hence \[Y=0\] (ii) \[A=0,\,B=1\] \[{{D}_{1}}=\] Does not conducts, \[{{D}_{2}}=\]Conducts, hence \[Y=1\] (iii) \[A=1,\,B=0\] \[{{D}_{1}}=\] Conducts, \[{{D}_{2}}=\] Does not conduct, hence \[Y=1\] (iv) \[A=1,\,B=1\] Both \[{{D}_{1}}\] and \[{{D}_{2}}\] conducts, hence \[Y=1\] (4) Truth table for 'OR' gate  
A B Y = A + B
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

(1) Logic gate : The digital circuit that can be analysed with the help of Boolean algebra is called logic gate or logic circuit. A logic gate has two or more inputs but only one output. There are primarily three logic gates namely the OR gate, the AND gate and the NOT gate. (2) Truth table : The operation of a logic gate or circuit can be represented in a table which contains all possible inputs and their corresponding outputs is called the truth table. To write the truth table we use binary digits 1 and 0.

(1) In Boolean algebra only two states of variables (0 and 1) are allowed. (2) The variables (A, B, C ....) of Boolean Algebra are subjected to three operations. (i) OR Operation : Represented by (+) sign Boolean expression  \[Y=A+B\] When switch A or B is closed ? Bulb glows (ii) AND Operation : Represented by \[(.)\] sign Boolean expression \[Y=A\cdot B\] When switches A and B both are closed ? Bulb glows (iii) NOT Operation : Represented by bar over the variables Boolean expression  \[Y=\bar{A}\]   (3) Basic Boolean postulates and laws (i) Boolean Postulates : \[0+A=A,\]          \[1\,\,\cdot \text{ }A=A,\]                                         \[1+A=1,\]          \[0\cdot A=0,\]                                         \[A+\bar{A}=1\] (ii) Identity law :               \[A+A=A,\]         \[A\cdot A=A\] (iii) Negation law :            \[\overline{{\bar{A}}}=A\] (iv) Commutative law : \[A+B=B+A,\]    \[A\cdot B=B\cdot A\] (v) Associative law :        \[(A+B)+C=A+(B+C),\]                                         \[(A\cdot B)\cdot C=A\cdot (B\cdot C)\] (vi) Distributive law :       \[A\cdot (B+C)=A\cdot B+A\cdot C\]                                         \[(A+B)\cdot (A+C)=A+BC\] (vii) Absorption laws :    \[A+A\cdot B=A,\]          \[A\cdot (A+B)=A\]                                         \[\overline{A}\,\text{ }\!\!\cdot\!\!\text{ }\,(A+B\text{)}=\overline{A}\,\text{ }\!\!\cdot\!\!\text{ }\,B\] (viii) Boolean identities :   \[A+\overline{A}\,B=A+B\], \[A(\overline{A}+B)=AB\], \[A+BC=(A+B)\,(A+C)\], \[(\overline{A}+B)\,\text{ }\!\!\cdot\!\!\text{ }\,\text{(}A+C)\,=\overline{A}C+AB\] (ix) De Morgan's theorem : It states that the complement of the whole sum is equal to the product of individual complements and vice versa i.e. \[\overline{A+B}=\bar{A}\cdot \bar{B}\] and \[\overline{A\cdot B}=\bar{A}+\bar{B}\]

(1) Analogue voltage signal : The signal which represents the continuous variation of voltage with time is known as analogue voltage signal   (2) Digital voltage signal : The signal which has only two values. i.e. either a constant high value of voltage or zero value is called digital voltage signal

(1) Decimal number system : In a decimal number system, we have ten digits i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. A decimal number system has a base of ten (10) e.g.        \[=1000+900+70+1\] \[=1\times {{10}^{3}}+9\times {{10}^{2}}+7\times {{10}^{1}}+1\times {{10}^{0}}\] LSD = Least significant digit MSD = Most significant digit   (2) Binary number system : A number system which has only two digits i.e. 0 (Low) and 1 (High) is known as binary system. The base of binary number system is 2. (i) Each digit in binary system is known as a bit and a group of bits is known as a byte. (ii) The electrical circuit which operates only in these two state i.e. 1 (On or High) and 0 (i.e. Off or Low) are known as digital circuits.   Different names for the digital signals
State Code 1 0
      Name for the State On Off
Up Down
Close Open
Excited Unexcited
True False
Pulse more...

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