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If the distance of object \[({{x}_{1}})\] and image \[({{x}_{2}})\] are not measured from optical centre, but from first and second principal foci then Newton's formula states  \[{{f}^{2}}={{x}_{1}}{{x}_{2}}\]          

Suppose a rectangular coil having N turns placed initially in a magnetic field such that magnetic field is perpendicular to it?s plane as shown. \[\omega -\] Angular speed \[v-\] Frequency of rotation of coil \[R-\]Resistance of coil For uniform rotational motion with \[\omega ,\] the flux linked with coil at any time t \[\varphi =NBA\cos \theta =NBA\cos \omega t\] \[\phi ={{\phi }_{0}}\cos \,\omega t\] where \[{{\phi }_{0}}=NBA=\] maximum flux (1) Induced emf in coil : Induced emf also changes in periodic manner that?s why this phenomenon called periodic EMI \[e=-\frac{d\varphi }{dt}=NBA\omega \sin \omega \,t\]\[\Rightarrow \]\[e={{e}_{0}}\sin \,\omega t\] where \[{{e}_{0}}=emf\] amplitude or max. emf \[=NBA\omega ={{\varphi }_{0}}\omega \]  (2) Induced current : At any time t, \[i=\frac{e}{R}=\frac{{{e}_{0}}}{R}\sin \omega \,t={{i}_{0}}\sin \omega \,t\] where \[{{i}_{0}}=\] current amplitude or max. current \[{{i}_{0}}=\frac{{{e}_{0}}}{R}=\frac{NBA\omega }{R}=\frac{{{\varphi }_{0}}\omega }{R}\]

The ratio of the size of the image to the size of object is called magnification. (1) Transverse magnification : \[m=\frac{I}{O}=\frac{v}{u}=\frac{f}{f+u}=\frac{f-v}{f}\]  (use sign convention while solving the problem) (2) Longitudinal magnification : \[m=\frac{I}{O}=\frac{{{v}_{2}}-{{v}_{1}}}{{{u}_{2}}-{{u}_{1}}}\]. For very small object \[m=\frac{dv}{du}={{\left( \frac{v}{u} \right)}^{2}}={{\left( \frac{f}{f+u} \right)}^{2}}={{\left( \frac{f-v}{f} \right)}^{2}}\] (3) Areal magnification : \[{{m}_{s}}=\frac{{{A}_{i}}}{{{A}_{o}}}={{m}^{2}}={{\left( \frac{f}{f+u} \right)}^{2}}\],    (\[{{A}_{i}}=\] Area of image,  \[{{A}_{o}}=\]Area of object) (4) Relation between object and image speed : If an object moves with constant speed \[({{V}_{o}})\]towards a convex lens from infinity to focus, the image will move slower in the beginning and then faster. Also \[{{V}_{i}}={{\left( \frac{f}{f+u} \right)}^{2}}.\,{{V}_{o}}\]  

If conducting rod moves on two parallel conducting rails as shown in following figure then phenomenon of induced emf can also be understand by the concept of generated area (The area swept of conductor in magnetic field, during it's motion) As shown in figure in time t distance travelled by conductor = vt Area generated \[A=lvt\]. Flux linked with this area \[\phi =BA=Blvt\]. Hence induced emf \[|e|\,=\frac{d\varphi }{dt}=Bvl\] (1) Induced current : \[i=\frac{e}{R}\]\[=\frac{Bvl}{R}\] (2) Magnetic force : Conductor PQ experiences a magnetic force in opposite direction of it's motion and \[{{F}_{m}}=Bil=B\left( \frac{Bvl}{R} \right)\,l\]\[=\frac{{{B}^{2}}v{{l}^{2}}}{R}\] (3) Power dissipated in moving the conductor : For uniform motion of rod PQ, the rate of doing mechanical work by external agent or mech. Power delivered by external source is given as \[{{P}_{mech}}={{P}_{ext}}=\frac{dW}{dt}={{F}_{ext}}.\,v=\frac{{{B}^{2}}v{{l}^{2}}}{R}\times v\]\[=\frac{{{B}^{2}}{{v}^{2}}{{l}^{2}}}{R}\] (4) Electrical power : Also electrical power dissipated in resistance or rate of heat dissipation across resistance is given as \[{{P}_{thermal}}=\frac{H}{t}={{i}^{2}}R={{\left( \frac{Bvl}{R} \right)}^{2}}.R\];\[{{P}_{thermal}}=\frac{{{B}^{2}}{{v}^{2}}{{l}^{2}}}{R}\] (It is clear that \[{{P}_{mech.}}={{P}_{thermal}}\] which is consistent with the principle of conservation of energy.) (5) Motion of conductor rod in a vertical plane : If conducting rod released from rest (at \[t=0\]) as shown in figure then with rise in it's speed (v), induces emf (e), induced current (i), magnetic force \[({{F}_{m}})\] increases but it's weight remains constant. Rod will achieve a constant maximum (terminal) velocity \[{{v}_{T}}\] if \[{{F}_{m}}=mg\] So   \[\frac{{{B}^{2}}v_{T}^{2}{{l}^{2}}}{R}=mg\]    \[\Rightarrow \] \[{{v}_{T}}=\frac{mgR}{{{B}^{2}}{{l}^{2}}}\] Special cases Motion of train and aeroplane in earth's magnetic field Induced emf across the axle of the wheels of the train and it is across the tips of the wing of the aeroplane is given by \[e={{B}_{v}}lv\] where \[l=\] length of the axle or distance between the tips of the wings of plane, \[{{B}_{v}}=\] vertical component of earth's magnetic field and v = speed of train or plane.

(1) Lens maker's formula : If \[{{R}_{1}}\] and \[{{R}_{2}}\] are the radii of curvature of first and second refracting surfaces of a thin lens of focal length f and refractive index \[\mu \] (w.r.t. surrounding medium) then the relation between f, m, \[{{R}_{1}}\] and \[{{R}_{2}}\] is known as lens maker's formula. \[\frac{1}{f}=(\mu -1)\left( \frac{1}{{{R}_{1}}}-\frac{1}{{{R}_{2}}} \right)\] Focal length of different lenses
Lens Focal length For  \[\mu =1.5\]
Biconvex lens \[{{R}_{1}}=R\] \[{{R}_{2}}=-R\]   \[f=\frac{R}{2(\mu -1)}\] \[f=R\]
Plano-convex lens \[{{R}_{1}}=\infty \] \[{{R}_{2}}=-R\]   \[f=\frac{R}{(\mu -1)}\] \[f=2R\]
Biconcave \[{{R}_{1}}=-R\] \[{{R}_{2}}=+R\] \[f=-\frac{R}{2(\mu -1)}\] \[f=-R\]
Plano-concave \[{{R}_{1}}=\infty \] \[{{R}_{2}}=R\]   \[f=\frac{-R}{(\mu -1)}\] \[f=-2R\]
(2) Lens formula : The expression which shows the relation between u, v and f is called lens formula.         \[\frac{1}{f}=\frac{1}{v}-\frac{1}{u}\]

(1) Consider a conducting rod of length l moving with a uniform velocity \[\vec{v}\] perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field \[\vec{B}\], directed into the plane of the paper. Let the rod be moving to the right as shown in figure. The conducting electrons also move to the right as they are trapped within the rod. Conducting electrons experiences a magnetic force \[{{F}_{m}}=evB.\] So they move from P to Q within the rod. The end P of the rod becomes positively charged while end Q becomes negatively charged, hence an electric field is set up within the rod which opposes the further downward movement of electrons i.e. an equilibrium is reached and in equilibrium \[{{F}_{e}}={{F}_{m}}\] i.e. \[eE=evB\] or  \[E=vB\Rightarrow \] Induced emf \[e=El=Bvl\]  [\[E=\frac{V}{l}\]] (2) If rod is moving by making an angle \[\theta \] with the direction of magnetic field or length. Induced emf \[e=Bvl\sin \theta \] (3) Motion of conducting rod on an inclined plane : When conductor start sliding from the top of an inclined plane as shown, it moves perpendicular to it?s length but at an angle \[(90-\theta )\]with the direction of magnetic field. Hence induced emf across the ends of conductor \[e=Bv\sin (90-\theta )l=Bvl\cos \theta \] So induced current \[i=\frac{Bvl\cos \theta }{R}\] (Directed from Q to P). The forces acting on the bar are shown in following figure. The rod will move down with constant velocity only if \[{{F}_{m}}\cos \theta =mg\cos (90-\theta )\]\[=mg\sin \theta \]\[\Rightarrow \]\[Bil\cos \theta =mg\sin \theta \] \[B\left( \frac{B{{v}_{T}}l\cos \theta }{R} \right)\,l\cos \theta =mg\sin \theta \]\[\Rightarrow \]\[{{v}_{T}}=\frac{mgR\sin \,\theta }{{{B}^{2}}{{l}^{2}}{{\cos }^{2}}\theta }\]

It is non-conservative and non-electrostatic in nature. Its field lines are concentric circular closed curves. A time varying magnetic field \[\frac{dB}{dt}\] always produced induced electric field in all space surrounding it. Induced electric field \[({{E}_{in}})\] is directly proportional to induced emf so \[e=\oint{{{{\vec{E}}}_{in}}\cdot d\vec{l}}\]  ...(i) From Faraday's second laws  \[e=-\frac{d\varphi }{dt}\]          ...(ii) From (i) and (ii) \[e=\oint{{{{\vec{E}}}_{in}}.d\vec{l}}=-\frac{d\varphi }{dt}\]  This is known as integral form of Faraday's laws of EMI. A uniform but time varying magnetic field B(t) exists in a circular region of radius 'a' and is directed into the plane of the paper as shown, the magnitude of the induced electric field \[({{E}_{in}})\] at point P lies at a distance r from the centre of the circular region is calculated as follows. So \[\oint{{{{\vec{E}}}_{in}}d\vec{l}}=e=\frac{d\varphi }{dt}=A\frac{dB}{dt}\]  i.e.  \[E(2\pi r)=\pi {{a}^{2}}\frac{dB}{dt}\]    where  \[r\ge a\] or \[E=\frac{{{a}^{2}}}{2r}\frac{dB}{dt}\];  \[{{E}_{\mathbf{in}}}\propto \frac{1}{r}\]

Convex lens : The image formed by convex lens depends on the position of object. (1) When object is placed at infinite (i.e. \[u=\infty \])   Image \[\to \]         At F \[\to \]         Real \[\to \]         Inverted \[\to \]         Very small in size         Magnification \[m<<-1\]   (2) When object is placed between infinite and 2F (i.e. \[u>2f\])   Image \[\to \]         Between F and 2F \[\to \]         Real \[\to \]         Inverted \[\to \]         Very small in size         Magnification \[m<-1\]  (3) When object is placed at 2F (i.e. \[u=2f\])   Image \[\to \]         At 2F \[\to \]         Real \[\to \]         Inverted \[\to \]         Equal in size         Magnification \[m=-1\]   (4) When object is placed between F and 2F (i.e. \[f<u<2f\])   Image \[\to \]         Beyond 2F \[\to \]         Real \[\to \]         Inverted \[\to \]         Large in size \[\to \]         Magnification \[m>-1\]   (5) When object is placed at F (i.e. \[u=f\] )   Image \[\to \]         At \[\infty \ ] \[\to \]         Real \[\to \]         Inverted \[\to \]         Very large in size         Magnification \[m>>-1\]   (6) When object is placed between F and optical center (i.e. \[u<f\])   Image \[\to \]         Same side as that of object \[\to \]         Virtual \[\to \]         Erect          large in size         Magnification \[m>1\]   Concave lens : The image formed by a concave lens is always virtual, erect and diminished (like a convex mirror) (1) When object is placed at \[\infty \]   Image \[\to \]         At F \[\to \]         Virtual \[\to \]         Erect \[\to \]         Point size         Magnification \[m<<+1\] (2) When object is placed any where on the principal axis   Image \[\to \]         Between optical centre and focus \[\to \]         Virtual \[\to \]         Erect \[\to \]         Smaller in size         Magnification \[m<+1\]

This law gives the direction of induced emf/induced current. According to this law, the direction of induced emf or current in a circuit is such as to oppose the cause that produces it. This law is based upon law of conservation of energy. (1) When N-pole of a bar magnet moves towards the coil, the flux associated with loop increases and an emf is induced in it. Since the circuit of loop is closed, induced current also flows in it. (2) Cause of this induced current, is approach of north pole and therefore to oppose the cause, i.e., to repel the approaching north pole, the induced current in loop is in such a direction so that the front face of loop behaves as north pole. Therefore induced current as seen by observer O is in anticlockwise direction. (figure) The various positions of relative motion between the magnet and the coil
    Position of magnet  
Direction of induced current Anticlockwise direction Clockwise direction Clockwise direction Anticlockwise direction
Behaviour of face of the coil As a north pole As a more...
(1) Focal length (f) : Distance of second principle focus from optical centre is called focal length \[{{f}_{\text{convex}}}\to \]positive,  \[{{f}_{\text{concave}}}\to \]negative, \[{{f}_{\text{plane}}}\to \infty \] (2) Aperture : Effective diameter of light transmitting area is called aperture. \[\text{Intensity of image }\propto {{\text{(Aperture)}}^{\text{2}}}\] (3) Power of lens (P) : Means the ability of a lens to deviate the path of the rays passing through it. If the lens converges the rays parallel to the principal axis its power is positive and if it diverges the rays it is negative. Power of lens\[P=\frac{1}{f(m)}=\frac{100}{f(cm)}\];  Unit of power is Diopter (D) \[{{P}_{\text{convex}}}\to \text{positive,}\]\[{{P}_{\text{concave}}}\to \text{negative,}\]\[{{P}_{\text{plane}}}\to \text{zero}\].   

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