
A Principal has a very important place in the working of the school. He can improve the standard of education in the school. He is a central figure in the school. Mr. R.L. Sharma is our Principal. He is a tall and strong man. He has a well built body. He has a grand personality. His appearance is pleasing. He is always neat and clean in his dress. He is M.A., B.T. Our Principal is able, highly qualified and hard working. He is very noble and honest. He takes great interest in his work. He is the friend and guide of the students. We regard him as our Guru. Besides being a good teacher he is a good administrator. He teaches us English. He is a lover of honesty. He is famous for his method of teaching. Students take interest in his class. He teaches us so nicely that we more...

Mountains have always thrown a challenge to the spirit of man and he always accepted it. The loftier a mountain, the  greater is his desire to conquer it, to climb the highest peak and to enjoy the thrill of victory. Nearly all the mountains of the world have now been conquered by the persistence and perseverance of man. Even Mount Everest cannot now claim to be invulnerable, having already been scaled several times, the first time by Hilary, an English man. Several expeditions  were organized to negotiate this highest mountain-peak in the world and at least four of them have been successful-British, Swiss, American and Indian. The Chinese too claim to have conquered Mount Everest from the other side but their claim has not been accepted by many. Life offers challenge to man and some people are fascinated by it. Danger to them is the very essence of life and more...

I live in Delhi. Delhi is the Capital of India. It is the seat of the Central Government. Many government offices are located here. There are embassies, great and beautiful buildings, gardens, lawns, parks, statues and other things of interest. But there are also some places that can be termed as slums and dirty spots. Therefore, there is need to beautify it. First of all, there is urgent need of repairing roads. The roads are in very bad shape and damaged. A person from foreign does not get a good impression of it. Therefore, there is need for repairing and reconstructing roads. Moreover, there are some old and ancient buildings in various parts of the city.  They are in ruins. They not only mar the beauty of the city, but also cause accidents. Therefore, these old building must be repaired. There are many slums. Dirty water and sewage get spread more...

Outline : Qualities, importance, tolerant, broad-minded, law- abiding; works for the cause of nation and society; up-to-date, well- informed of political changes and social evils; a keen civic sense.  An ideal citizen is one who establishes (sets up) his standard in everything. He loves his country more than anything else. He can make any sacrifice for his motherland. He can lay down his life for the honour  of his family, society and clan. He is a true patriot. He is thorough gentleman. He protects the public property at the cost of his own life. He is fully law-abiding. He pays all the taxes honestly and unhesitatingly. He is a true friend of society. He is the saviour of the honour of the fair sex. He swims and the society sinks with him. He is its axis. He is its pivotal point. As far his personal qualities are concerned, he is more...

The autumn season comes after the rainy season. The autumn comprises the months of September and October. At this time, black clouds leave the sky. The sky gets clear and we often enjoy the beauty of moonlight in all its sweetness. Moonlight falls on the green grass. Various flowers like shefali, kash and lotus blossom. This season is very beautiful and nice, and it cannot be compared with any other season. Weather at this time is very cool and pleasant. The autumn season is the festival season. Various festivals, like Dussehra, Diwali and Bhai Duj, are celebrated during this season, causing long vacation in offices, schools, colleges and courts. This season also brings the harvesting season. The farmers are happy with their land full of paddy and other grains. The vast I stretch of luxuriant paddy crops are harvested as the autumn breeze fills the heart of the farmers. Once more...

Ram Krishna Paramhans was India's great spiritual leader who is remembered for his valuable teachings based on humanity. He was primarily a religious reformer. He was a deeply spiritual man who believed that the basic meaning of all religions was the same. Ram Krishna Paramhans was born on February 18, 1836 in a poor orthodox Brahmin family in a remote village of  Bengal. His original name was Gadadhar. He had immense spiritual potential from his very childhood. Even at the age of five, he had a burning desire to study the lives of saints. As he grew up he wished to have a vision of Goddess Kali, whom he considered as the Devine Mother. As his realization deepend the vision of the Devine Mother became luminous while he was the priest of Dakshineshwar Temple in Kolkata. He would enter into deep trances and loose consciousness just to seek the truth. more...

Distance education is a new trend of education which generally takes place when a teacher and student (s) are not face to face but are separated by physical distance and various electronic media are used to bridge the instructional gap. Before ten years this system or trend was not thought a goal means of education because 'to take degree' was not the sole aim of a student. Instead people thought that regular classes provided real knowledge to the students and therefore there should not exist any alternative of it. But with the progress of science electronic media, new electronic equipment, the situation has been changed. Through TV. Educational programmes, the correspondence education can be made to be understood in better way. Research comparing distance education to traditional face to face instruction indicates that teaching and studying at a distance can be as effective as traditional instruction, when the method and more...

Mobile phone is the latest and wonderful invention. This instrument is very small in size but performs very big functions. It is in fact, an improvised version of the landline telephone and enables us to talk to anybody in any part of the world. It can be carried anywhere wherever a person may go. It makes conversation possible whether we are travelling by car, bus, train or aeroplane. This phone has received tremendous response from people all over the world. It is used by all people, whether rich or poor, in order to remain in constant touch with the other people associated to them. Almost all cities of the world are connected with mobile network. A mobile phone has played a very vital role, especially during an emergency such as an accident, a robbery, a murder or sudden serious illness. It has revolutionised the way we communicate. Today we find more...

Pollution is a world problem. Today, whatever little oxygen we inhale, is polluted. No doubt, most of our progress and development is the result of industrial growth and technological advancement of which we feel proud. But it has its evil effect too i.e. pollution. By pollution we mean to destroy the purity of a thing. It is generally used for natural environment i.e. land, water, air. Pollution makes the environment unfit for living. It becomes a health hazard. It brings many diseases, hence it must be checked soon. Land pollution is caused due to dumping and disposal of wastes, application of agro-chemicals in the soil. Deforestation also leads to land pollution. Hence it is necessary to start tree plantation as a social service and national programme. It is the only way which can save humanity. In India, wastes of oil, refineries and atomic plants are dumped into the rivers or more...

Science has made wonders in recent times. It has revolutionized the life in every field such as travel transport, communication, recreation, agriculture, industry, medicine, trade and commerce. We have electricity which has made our life comfortable in various ways. We have atom bomb, a great source of power. Now it is up to us whether we use science for good purposes or take undue advantage of it. No doubt science has placed in the hands of man extremely destructive weapons which may ruin the whole world in seconds but it never compels man nor creates a situation to make use of them. It is our greed and madness for power that urge us to use destructive weapons because we want to  finish each other. Undoubtedly science has contributed a lot towards world peace of which we must be obliged. Science has given quick means of transport and communication which help more...


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