
The Ganga is the holiest and longest river in India. It rises in an ice cave known as Gomukh which is about 10,000 feet above the sea level. In its upper course, it joins with the Alaknanda and then rushes to Hardwar where its middle course begins. The Ganga then flows slowly by the cities and towns of Kanpur and Farukhabad. At Allahabad, it is joined by its biggest tributary, the Yamuna. The confluence of both these rivers here is considered very sacred by the Hindus.   After Allahabad, the Ganga moves eastwards flowing through Mirzapur and Benaras. Many people come here everyday to have a dip in the holy waters of the Ganga. Then the river which is by now a still large river as many tributaries and distributaries like the Kosi, Gandak, Ghaghara etc. join  it. It further moves by Patna, main flow of the river enters Bangladesh more...

No doubt war is an evil, the greatest catastrophe that befalls human beings. It brings death and destruction, disease and starvation, poverty, and ruin in its wake. One has only to look back to the havoc that was wrought in various countries not many years ago, in order to estimate the destructive effects of war. A particularly disturbing side of modern wars is that they tend to become global so that they may engulf the entire world. But there are people who  consider war as something grand and heroic and regard it as something that brings out  the best in man, but this does not alter the fact that war is a terrible, dreadful calamity. This is especially so now that a war will now be fought with atom bombs. Some people say war is necessary. A glance at the past history will tell that war has been a recurrent more...

A library is said to be the heart and soul of a college. The quality of education given in college can be roughly judged from the type of books in its library. Buildings alone do not make a college. Every college must have a good library. Our college library is housed in a big building. It has about thirty two thousand books on various subjects. Students come to the library and take books of their choice either for reading in the library itself or for study at home. Our college library is under the charge of a qualified librarian. She is an efficient and hard working lady. She is very helpful to students and members of the staff. She encourages that students to read as many books as possible. She is a strict disciplinarian. She makes sure that there is perfect discipline in the library. Our library is assisted by more...

On 1 February 2003, India's first spacewoman Kalpana Chawla along with the other six crew members perished when the Columbia space shuttle disintegrated just minutes before it was to land. The whole world was shocked at this tragic Incident. It was her second space mission.  Kalpana Chawla was born in Karnal, a small town in Haryana in 1961. She got her primary education in a local school where she was just an average student. She had a great fascination for aeroplanes from very beginning. She wanted to fly in the open sky like birds. Hence she joined Punjab Engineering College to study in aerospace engineering. There she was the first woman in this field. Luckily, she got top rank and then she went to the US for doctorate which she completed in 1988. Kalpana was a genius. She wanted to do more and more. She joined NASA. NASA selected her more...

There are no two opinions about the fact that morning walk is a boon for health. No diet or tonic is as effective as the morning walk. One has to pay nothing for it. I take a walk every morning with my friend Raju. Raju is my class mate and next door neighbour. We walk along the road. This lonely road leads out of the town. Yesterday we started at 5 a.m. As we went out a cool morning breeze welcomed us. We passed through some fields of wheat. The spreading fields presented a beautiful scene, the chirping of the birds created a lively sensation in our hearts. Some farmers were ploughing their fields at a distance. We passed through a small village where we saw village young women going to draw water. They were singing sweet folk songs; we enjoyed these songs very much. The golden ball  of sun more...

The Republic Day is also celebrated as a National Festival like Independence Day. The significance of this day is that a pledge was taken on 26th January 1930 on the bank of river Ravi to attain 'Swaraj' was fulfilled on this day in the year 1950. India became a sovereign, democratic republic. On this day all Government offices, factories and other institutions remain closed.  This day is celebrated throughout the country; people assemble at one place and offer salute to the National Flag. In Delhi people from different places come to witness the Republic day celebration at India Gate. Pipe railings are fixed on both sides of the route from where the procession passes. The entire route is decorated with National Flags. A good sitting arrangement is made for the people To witness the parade. Arrangement for VIP's and foreign dignitaries is made separately. There is also a very strict more...

Different individuals have different aims in life. Most of the people aim at making health. Man likes to enjoy comforts of life and wealth is necessary for that. So, most men want money. Then there are some men who want to acquire knowledge. They do not care much for wealth. There are, again, others who want glory and fame. Some few are eager to get power and exercise authority over others. As for me, I want to become a businessman. A nation cannot prosper by being in the employment of the government only. So I shall receive a good education necessary to become a businessman. My father is a businessman himself. I hope to earn much money. But I shall spend the greater part of my money for the good of my country. I shall establish agricultural and technical schools. Some of our countrymen will be trained there and thus more...

India always believed in peace and she has always promoted it by all means. She was never in favour of manufacturing a nuclear bomb which only brings ruin and disaster to millions of people. But as many countries whether developed or developing, have conducted many nuclear tests, it became a necessity for our country to go  nuclear. Further, the rising trend of intervention by the industrialized nations in the internal affairs of developing nations among which India is also one, was one of the main reasons which compelled India to divert her nuclear resources towards nuclear weapons. It was an urgent need to protect our national security, because national development depends on it. Development is inseparable from national security. And finally India conducted three nuclear tests on May 11, 1998 and two more tests on May 13, 1998 in Pokhran. But India's stand on the role of nuclear weapons is more...

The tradition of nursing started in the past time by the ever remembered Florence Nightiangale. A nurse symbolises service and humanity. Her time is spent in the service of humanity. She has  a keen sense of duty It is the noblest profession. She is required to do the duty for eight hours daily The times of working are not fixed. She is to work in different shifts. She wears a white uniform with a cap on her head. She is very punctual in her work. As she reaches the hospital she takes charge of her ward from the other nurse and soon she is busy with her work. She is called 'Sister' generally While taking her first round of the ward she greets all the patients with a smile. She notes down the temperature of every patient on the chart. She gives the medicines and injection provided by the doctor. more...

God has created this universe which includes earth, water, sky, nature and deep down the earth surface. There are men and nature the two most vital components of this universe. Man can do wonders. Nature has everything already done. Man creates the things which are said to be artificial. They are not permanent. But nature has created the things which are permanent. No one can alter in the design of nature. Man has no control over it. Nature has its own way. Sometimes it is soothing, sometimes it is ferocious. Whenever it turns to be in its bad temper it can bring devastation. It is known as  disaster. Man has always been threatened by the fury of nature from the very beginning of his existence on this earth. Sometimes disasters like earthquakes occur repeatedly with serious impact on all spheres of life. Be it earthquake in Gujarat in 2001 and more...


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