10th Class

Practice Exercise 3

Category : 10th Class



  1. Write a telegram to your father stating him that you will be visiting him in the next week as you are going to Hyderabad on an official tour.
  2. One of your roommates has met with a motorcycle accident and has been hospitalised. Write a telegram to his father in Nasik stating him about the accident and seeking his immediate visit to Chandigarh.
  3. Your cousin has adopted a child recently. Write a telegram to your father stating him about the adoption.
  4. You serve with a wing of the Indian Army. You have taken a leave for one month and went to your native place. Before a few days of the completion of your leave, you wanted to extend the leave for more 15 days. Write a telegram to the Major of your battalion seeking his favour.
  5. You have won a contest and received prize money worth one lac rupees recently. Write a telegram to your mother stating her about the event.
  6. You stay in Mumbai away from your home in Varanasi. Recently, the company provided you a Honda City car for commuting. Write a telegram to your father informing him of this surprising experience.  


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