10th Class

Report Writing

Category : 10th Class

*         Report Writing    


Introduction: A report is a factual description or account of an event or investigation of an issue or a problem. It may also be an objective analysis or evaluation of something. Depending upon its nature, a report can be single paragraph or a single page write-up or of hundreds of thousands of pages of a thorough investigation.  

1.       You are Pankaj Patra, a reporter with The Times of India. Recently, the United States has announced to curtail security assistance to Pakistan following the latter's slow response in fighting terrorism. Write a report on the consequence that has urged the US to take this step against Pakistan.

The plot thickens

Pankaj Patra

New Delhi, July 11, 2011: The United States has decided to withhold a third of its annual $2.7 billion security assistance to Islamabad after Pakistan ordered dozens of military trainers to leave Pakistan and limit visas to US personnel following the raid that killed Osama bin Laden in Abbott bad. In large part, Pakistan's response has been that it doesn't care about the aid cutback and that Pakistan is capable of fighting terrorism using indigenous resources and has carried out several successful military operations in the tribal regions without external help. This was certainly the message reiterated by Gen Kayaniat the latest corps commanders' conference. Despite Washington's punitive move to withhold military assistance, the Pakistan Army has announced it will not reverse its crackdown against the American footprint in the country. On its part, Washington is hitting back against what it thinks is a continuing relationship between the Pakistani military and Afghan insurgents and other militant groups.

The Obama administration want to tell the American public it will not allow Pakistan to continue with its alleged double game in Afghanistan and with regard to militant jihadists.

In Pakistan, the US move to withhold aid will turn public opinion more caustic and delay any large-scale campaign against militants, especially AI-Qaeda targets. It will also hurt Pakistan's economy if Washington holds back on the $300 million of the Support Fund. These reimbursements, for money already spent on military operations, go into the general treasury and withholding them will definitely damage Pakistan's finances at a time when they are already under immense strain.  


2.       You are a reporter with The Hindustan Times. Frame a report on the joint population census being conducted by India and Bangladesh across the LOC.  

Dhaka and Delhi launch census in enclaves

New Delhi, July 15, 2011: Bangladesh and India are conducting a joint population census in pockets of isolated territories within each other's national boundaries to end a long-standing border issue. The census will cover all the 162 enclaves on both sides of the border as a first step toward an agreement over practical ownership of the lands and a land-swap.

Bangladesh and India share a border more than 2,500 miles long drawn up by the British when they left the Indian subcontinent in 1947. It divided the land mass between the two new countries, India and Pakistan. At the time, Pakistan comprised West Pakistan, along India's western border, and East Pakistan along its eastern frontier. The two Pakistanis were one country, with its capital in Karachi, West Pakistan.

Tensions and cultural differences resulted in East Pakistan gaining independence as Bangladesh in 1971. However, the border issue with India was never settled. It left 111 Indian-administered areas - enclaves ? within Bangladeshi territory as well as 51 Bangladeshi exclaves on the Indian side of the frontier.

The largest enclave is about 4,700 acres and the smallest around the size of two football fields. The total enclave population is estimated to be 150,000- 300,000. The ongoing census is being conducted by the Joint Boundary Working Group, which is working on a mechanism to exchange territories, based on a1974agreement.

The census will be part of information considered by the two countries when they kick-start discussions during Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit to Dhaka in September.  


3.       Scientists have recently claimed that dark finger-like channels stretching across the surface of Mars could be streams of salty water running down the sides of craters. Write a report on the issue for the prestigious newspaper 'The Asian Age'. You are Kalika Sen.  

Dark streaks on Mars could be water

Kalika Sen  

New Delhi, August 4, 2011; The clusters of trails, which fade during winter and reappear in warmer months, could prove to be the first solid evidence of liquid water currently existing on the red planet.

Scientists are convinced water probably flowed across the surface of the planet at some distant point in history, but have only been able to detect samples of frozen water near the surface.    

Should the mysterious streaks prove to be caused by small streams of briny water, they could prove crucial to scientists searching for extraterrestrial life on the planet. More than 1,000 dark lines were picked up running off steep slopes at some sites in Mars's southern hemisphere, taken from Nasa's Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft.

They measure between half metre and five metres in width and stretch up to Hundreds of metres in length, and are thought to contain a few litres or tens of litres of water each. The lines, on slopes facing Mars's equator, appear to become longer and darker from late spring before fading in the autumn.

While the images do not provide proof of the experts' theory, scientists claim the temperatures on the areas of Mars's surface would be too warm for frozen carbon dioxide and too cold for pure water.

But salt lowers water's freezing temperature meaning that despite the coldness of Mars, water as salty as Earth's oceans could melt in the planet's warmer season.  


4.       The most fuel-efficient passenger aircraft Boeing-787 'Dreamliner' has landed in India on it maiden visit to the country, recently. Write a report on the Dreamliner which is expected to get a good round of applause for its world-class technology and fuel-efficiency.  

India ushers in the Boeing 787 'Dreamliner'  

New Delhi, July 13, 2011: The much talked about Boeing-787 'Dreamliner' is touted as the world's most advanced passenger jet, with the capacity to fly direct and non-stop to the U.S. and Australia from any Indian city touched down Indian soil on its maiden visit to India. Air India has ordered 27 'Dreamliners' while Jet Airways have booked 10 aircrafts.

The aircraft, said to be the most advanced in the world, flew into the national capital from Japan. Two trial flights will be conducted for flag carrier Air India, which will be amongst the first in the world to receive the jet early in 2012. Senior officials from the Civil Aviation Ministry and Air India are also expected to inspect the aircraft. The Boeing-787 aircraft is made of composite materials. Its newly-developed engine and advanced flight technologies make it highly fuel-efficient. The plane can fly up to 16,000 km non-stop.  


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