10th Class

Practice Exercise

Category : 10th Class



Arrange A, B, C, D and E in order to make meaningful Sentences.


 (A) At                                  

(B) It                                     

(C) Take                              

(D) Once

(E) Away

(a) BCEAD                                                           

(b) ADCEB                          

(c) CBEAD                                                           





(A) Smart                            

(B) Ambitious                   

(C) And                                

(D) Is

(E) Puja   

(a) DACBE                                                           

(b) CEDBA                          

(c) EACBD                                                           





(A) Pencil                           

(B) A                                     

(C) Good                             

(D) Need

(E) I

(a) BACDE                                                           

(b) EDBCA                          

(c) CADEC                                                           





(A) Good                                            

(B) Not                

(C) Movie                           

(D) The

(E) ls

(a) BEDCA                                                           

(b) DCEBA                          

(c) CAEDC                                                           





(A) Wanted                       

(B) There                            

(C) Stay                               

(D) We

(E) To

(a) BADEC                                                           

(b) CBEDA                          

(c) DAECB                                                           


(e) CDEA


In these questions, the first and last parts of the sentence are 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. Arrange these parts in order to make a meaningful sentence by choosing an option.


 1.  As We moved slowly

(P) Of the town we passed                                         

(Q) Houses running at

(R) Row after row of little grey slum       

(S) Through the outskirts

6.  Right angles to the embankment.

(a) P Q R S                                                          

(b) P R S Q                          

(c) Q P R S                                                           

(d) S P R Q

(e) None of these



  1.  We know that

(P) Mechanical inventions of this                             

(Q) Scientific age, it is necessary for us

(R) Ourselves from the many                                    

(S) If we are profit

6.  To live together in large communities.

(a) P Q R S                                                          

(b) Q P R S                          

(c) R S P Q                                                           

(d) S R P Q

(e) None of these



  1.  One of the aims

(P) Build character                                                          

(Q) Of education is

(R) To impart some sort of moral instruction       

(S) And to inculcate certain traits

6.  Which help a person in leading a responsible life.

(a) P Q R S                                                          

(b) Q P R S                          

(c) R Q P S                                                           

(d) Q R P S

(e) None of these



  1.  The law not only

(P) Everyman in enjoyment of it                                              

(Q) But also furnishes him

(R) Regards life and prospects                                   

(S) With everything necessary

6.  For his support.

(a) P S R Q                                                          

(b) Q R S P                                          

(c) R P Q S                                                           

(d) S R P Q

(e) None of these



  1.  Roger wanted to become a doctor.

(P) He put away enough money to pay his first year fees.

(Q) They could not afford the fees.

(R) Undaunted, he got himself a job in the dockyard.

(S) However, he came from a poor family.

6.  Once enrolled, he was recognized as a gifted student, and scholarships took care of the rest of his studies.

(a) S R P Q                                                          

(b) P R S Q                                          

(c) S Q R P                                                           

(d) Q R S P

(e) None of these



Rearrange the following five statements A, B, C, D and E in the proper sequence so as to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below them.


*         Paragraph - 1

(A) Suddenly from within the bush the lion leapt up and brushed past his gun.

(B) As he approached a thick bush, he became aware of the lion's presence.

(C) Almost in reflex action, a shot was fired by him and it killed the lion.

(D) Shyam took his rifle and torch and set out in the directions of the cries.

(E) The lion had killed several men and the villagers were screaming for help.



 Which statement should come LAST in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D     

(e) E



 Which statement should come THIRD in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



 Which statement should come FIRST in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



 Which statement should come SECOND in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



 Which statement should come FOURTH in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



*           Paragraph - 2

(A) At first, he thought that it was trick played by someone.

(B) His neighbour then told him that his father was recovering in the hospital.

(C) When he reached there he found his house locked up.

(D) Girish received a message saying that his father was sick.

(E) However, he did not want to take change and rushed him.



 Which statement should come SECOND in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



 Which statement should come LAST in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



 Which statement should come FOURTH in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



 Which statement should come FIRST in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



 Which statement should come THIRD in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



*          Paragraph - 3

 (A) While Shashi started job-hunt, Ravi approached a bank for some loan.

(B) Shashi made relentless efforts in applying for jobs, attending interviews and still he has been doing the same.

(C) While Shashi is still unemployed, Ravi has made a good fortune, although he has to work hard.

(D) Both Ravi and Shashi completed their graduation from the same college and with flying colours, three years ago.

(E) He invested the money to run a small business which flourished quite well.

(F) But Ravi had decided to follow a different path altogether.



 Which statement should come FOURTH In the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



 Which statement should come THIRD in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



 Which statement should come FIRST in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



 Which statement should come SIXTH in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



 Which statement should come SECOND in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E


*              Paragraph - 4

(A) I saw the smiling face of my friend.

(B) I turned around to see who it was.

(C) He came near and we shook hands.

(D) Somebody loudly called out my name.

(E) I was standing on the platform reading a newspaper.



 Which statement should come THIRD in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



 Which statement should come FOURTH in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



 Which statement should come LAST in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



 Which statement should come FIRST in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



 Which statement should come SECOND in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



*             Paragraph - 5

(A) His men and women have been drawn from different countries.

(B) The impression of the time and the country is clearly marked in the poetry of Tennyson.

(C) Browning, on the other hand, is a cosmopolitan in his outlook and there is very little of his age in his poetry.

(D) He s insular and a typical product of his age.

(E) There is a little of England and the English race in Browning's poetry.



 Which statement should come LAST in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



 Which statement should come SECOND in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



 Which statement should come FIRST in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



 Which statement should come FOURTH in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E



 Which statement should come THIRD in the paragraph?

(a) A                                                                     

(b) B                                     

(c) C                                                                      

(d) D

(e) E




1.        C

2.        D

3.         B

4.         B

5.         C

6.         D

7.         D

8.         B

9.         C

10.      C


*   Paragraph - 1

1.                   C

2.                   B

3.                   E

4.                   D

5.                   A


*   Paragraph - 2

1.                   A

2.                   B

3.                   C

4.                   D

5.                   E


*   Paragraph - 3

1.                   A

2.                   A

3.                   C

4.                   C

5.                   E


*   Paragraph - 4

1.                   B

2.                   A

3.                   C

4.                   E

5.                   D


*   Paragraph - 5

1.                   E

2.                   D

3.                   B

4.                   A

5.                   C




  • In jumbled sentences, the sentences are not supplied in proper arranged manner.
  • The sentences are jumbled up, made complex so as to make the students confused.
  • There is not any set rule to work out these problems, but only practice.
  • You have to be aware of the sense indicated in the jumbled phrases and parts of sentence so as to make out their correct meaning.




  • However, although, since the time, in context to, prior to, etc. are terms that help to link sentences.
  • Look out for quick clues, such as pronouns, conjunction, etc. in the beginning of sentences to help you establish a sequence. v In choices that are closely related, identify a mandatory pair of sentences (two sentences that should form a sequence).





  • It is essential that you look at the jumbled phrases, comprehend the meaning implied and put the sentence in order.
  • Be cool, have patience and work out correctly.
  • Avoid reading the sentences closely as it will be a waste of time.
  • Inspect the choices; if each of the choices begins with different letters, identifying the sentence to begin the sequence leads to the correct answer.
  • In four sentences variety, work backward from sentence 4 if there is no obvious clue to work from sentence 1; many a time we overlook the hints that may be available.


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